This globe is based on dataarts/webgl-globe.
This globe can add and update points in realtime.
$ git clone
$ cd webgl-globe
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
# Open web browser and go to localhost:8000
var container = document.getElementById( 'container' );
// This is the default
var globeOpts = {
mapImage: '/images/world.jpg',
minHeight: 0.1,
maxHeight: 180,
maxAge: 10000,
pointSize: 1,
ageDelay: 1000,
heightDecreaseSpeed: 10,
heightIncreaseSpeed: 100,
rotationSpeed: 1,
coordinatePrecision: 2,
onPointAging: function(point, percent){},
onPointUpdated: function(point){},
// Make the globe
var globe = new Globe(container, globeOpts);
// Start the globe
// This is the default
var pointOpts = {
opts.amount: 1,
opts.maxAge: // Defaults to globeOpts.maxAge
opts.ageDelay: // Defaults to globeOpts.ageDelay
opts.heightDecreaseSpeed: // Defaults to globeOpts.heightDecreaseSpeed
opts.heightIncreaseSpeed: // Defaults to globeOpts.heightIncreaseSpeed
opts.onPointAging: // Defaults to globeOpts.onPointAging
opts.onPointUpdated: // Defaults to globeOpts.onPointUpdated
// Update point/add new if it doesnt exist
globe.updatePoint(lat, lng, pointOpts);
// Pause/unpause the point updating and globe rotation