
Instead of using webcam capture and GUI output, this sample reads from a file and outputs to a new file.

To build the container:

$ git clone
$ cd python-docker-opencv-demo
$ docker build -t pdocv .

Now you can docker run [opts] pdocv [cmd]. For example:

$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/data pdocv python ./ ./video/input.webm /data/output.webm

The above command creates/links local directory ./data to /data inside the container (-v $(pwd)/output:/data), and processes the project's sample video (video/input.webm) and outputs it to ./data/output.webm in the project directory.

If you want to modify, either make changes and run docker build -t pdocv . again, OR link your working copy with -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app (before or after the other -v used above, but MUST be after docker run and before pdocv). Then, your current copy of would be used instead of the one in the image.

e.g. Make a change to in your project directory, run:

$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app pdocv python ./ ./video/input.webm ./data/output2.webm

(note: ./data is a relative path in this example, since /data was not mounted)

You should then see your changes reflected on in the video located at ./data/output2.webm.