Product Designer at Noak Singapore | Ex-BCA, Niagahoster, Nuri, Qwords, Fundex, & Telkom | CS Graduate from BINUS University | UI/UX and Product Design Devotee
Noak SingaporeJakarta, Indonesia
Pinned Repositories
Helpful Buddy Website is a voice assistant website that has two features. First, the voice assistant can play the song that the user wants in a way that the user only needs to say the name of the song and artist without having to type in the song title and artist name. Second, the voice assistant can quickly tell the current time through users only need to ask the voice assistant about now time.
I created this project to show myself and my portfolio. Brian Steve Portfolio Website is a website to show me and my portfolio. The website consists of my profile, my projects, my skills, my experiences, my awards, and my certifications.
ABC Cloth Shop Management System Application is a cloth shop management system application. The application has three features. First, the AddNewCloth Feature makes store owners can add new types of clothing that their store has into the application. Then, the ViewClothList Feature. With this feature, shop owners can see various clothes added to the application. In addition, there is the DeleteCloth Feature to delete clothes added to the app.
Pattern Software Design Project
Supermarket Database Systems Application is a database systems application about supermarket. The function of this application is to handle data related to products data, staff data, payments data, and transactions data at supermarket. The users of this application can insert data to the database systems and view data from the database systems.
Drink Order Double Link List Application is an application about drink order. The function of this application is to handle drink order. The users of this application can add drink order, view order, and delete order.
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briansteve1901's Repositories
Helpful Buddy Website is a voice assistant website that has two features. First, the voice assistant can play the song that the user wants in a way that the user only needs to say the name of the song and artist without having to type in the song title and artist name. Second, the voice assistant can quickly tell the current time through users only need to ask the voice assistant about now time.
I created this project to show myself and my portfolio. Brian Steve Portfolio Website is a website to show me and my portfolio. The website consists of my profile, my projects, my skills, my experiences, my awards, and my certifications.
ABC Cloth Shop Management System Application is a cloth shop management system application. The application has three features. First, the AddNewCloth Feature makes store owners can add new types of clothing that their store has into the application. Then, the ViewClothList Feature. With this feature, shop owners can see various clothes added to the application. In addition, there is the DeleteCloth Feature to delete clothes added to the app.
Pattern Software Design Project
Supermarket Database Systems Application is a database systems application about supermarket. The function of this application is to handle data related to products data, staff data, payments data, and transactions data at supermarket. The users of this application can insert data to the database systems and view data from the database systems.
Drink Order Double Link List Application is an application about drink order. The function of this application is to handle drink order. The users of this application can add drink order, view order, and delete order.
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Code untuk seri NGOding BAReng di Channel YouTube WebProgrammingUNPAS
Book Store Application is an application about book store. The function of this application is to handle book management in a book store. The user of this application can add book, view books, and delete book.
Computer Store Data Management System Website is a web-based data management system for computer stores. This system has the Create Feature, Read Feature, Update Feature, and Delete Feature for data such as product, customer, supplier, staff, goods purchases, sales of goods, and payment types.
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Resolusi Brian Steve
CATERINGIN Website is a catering service website. In this website, customers can determine for themselves and order a catering menu for five days. After ordering, catering will be delivered directly to the customer for five days.
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