
Specialized morphology corresponds to a generalist diet: linking form and function in mantis shrimp crustaceans

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Mantis Shrimp Diet

Data and code associated with:

deVries MS, Stock BC, Christy JH, Goldsmith GR, and Dawson TE. 2016. Specialized morphology corresponds to a generalist diet: linking form and function in smashing mantis shrimp crustaceans. Oecologia 128(2): 429–442. here

All mantis shrimp isotope data and R-scripts used to perform the analyses and create all figures are here. The best fit model (Habitat + source(Habitat) + concentration dependence) with an informative prior (hard-shelled prey 4x more likely than soft-bodied) is model #10, see mixsiar_script_10.r. The models using informative priors based on the prey abundance surveys are #s 13 (seagrass) and 14 (coral), see mixsiar_script_13.r and mixsiar_script_14.r.

The R code is based on MixSIAR (https://github.com/brianstock/MixSIAR), which requires you to first install JAGS (http://mcmc-jags.sourceforge.net/). The code also depends on several R packages. Many thanks to the authors of:

  • ggplot2
  • R2jags
  • MASS
  • RColorBrewer
  • reshape
  • lattice