This is a series of small scripts. Most output some SVG which can be used directly, or sent further through a chain to manipulate or rasterize the results.
Many of these are sample code I have used in talks and in my book Designing With Data
This will take a string and generate something similar to the MIT Media lab logos. Unlike the real logos, the position and color are determined from a has of the input string.
This generates postcard Cellular Automata based on the Stephen Wolfram and the Game of Life algorithms.
Using a list of objects and a list of their interactions, a nice wheel is drawn and arcs representing connections drawn between them
A series of functions used to determine contrast and hex colors from strings
A basic "heatmap" style bar creation script. Used to encode two variables in a dense space.
These are a series of scripts to produce geographically related SVG output
SVG code, plus GeoNames data, to create Joy Division style maps
Code to generate and place shapes inside of a polygon without overlap
A set of scripts producing various random patterns
All these scripts take an image as input and loop through the pixels to produce a stylized result of the base image.
Converts an image's colors into a nice ring style bar-chart
A simple script used to generate stream graphs in SVG
This is a chart type called to_from (for lack of a better name). It is similar to the connection_ring, but visualized as two rows rather than a ring
Takes direction and speed as input and produces a circular diagram representing the strength of the value in a given direction