
I2C ROM for EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) on FPGAs

Primary LanguageVerilog

I2C ROM for EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) IP CORE
[> Description
 - This project is a target device which transmits display mode to video source using I2C DDC protocol.
 - for HDMI camera capture device or video switcher developer

[> Features
 - Support I2C slave protocol and EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) ROM
 - Support for read
 - 8bit addressing (max 256 byte)

[> Resouces
 - 66 LUTs, 1 RAMB8BWER (XC6SLX45)

[> License
 - BSD

[> Directory Structure
 /boards/     Top-level design files, constraint files and Makefiles
              for supported FPGA boards.
 /cores/      Cores library
 /software/   Software and data files

[> Tested board
1- Digilent Atlys
2- Digilent ZYBO

[> Building tools
 - Xilinx ISE 14.7 (Atlys)
 - Vivado 2014.4 (ZYBO)

[> How to build
In the case of ATLYS
1- cd boards/atlys/synthesis
2- make load or make flash

In the case of ZYBO
1- cd boards/zybo/synthesis
2- ./make_batch
3- ./load.sh (you need impact of ISE)

[> Prepare EDID ROM
1- see ./software/edid/README

[> History
2015/02/11 first release

Takeshi Matsuya, macchan@sfc.wide.ad.jp