
Run IaC Anywhere With Ease

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

runiac - Run IaC Anywhere With Ease

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A tool for running infrastructure as code (e.g. Terraform) anywhere with ease.

  • Ability to change and test infrastructure changes locally with a production like environment
  • Ability to make infrastructure changes without making pipeline changes
  • Quality developer experience
  • Container-based, execute anywhere and on any CI/CD system
  • Multi-Region deployments built-in
  • Handling groups of regions for data privacy regulations
  • Enabling "terraservices"
  • Keeping Your Pipelines Simple
  • Plugin-based

runiac's primary goal is enabling easy, meaningful local development that mimics a production deployment.
This enables two large benefits:

  • Changes can be tested quickly and reliably from a local machine, knowing the

We'd love to hear from you! Submit github issues for questions, issues or feedback.

Table of Contents generated with DocToc

How does runiac work?

runiac's primary goal is to enable developers to spend more time iterating on valuable infrastructure changes rather than pipeline or glue code.
It enables this by following the smart endpoints, dumb pipelines, portability, and fun principles defined at doeac.

  • Infrastructure changes do not require pipeline changes
  • Ability to change and test infrastructure changes locally with a production like environment

What expo did for react native development, runiac does for terraform. What webpack did for react development, runiac does for terraform.

  • Directory layout
  • Steps
    • Primary deployment type
    • Regional
  • Config
    • Primary Regions
    • Regional Regions
    • Project
    • Environment
    • Account
    • Namespace
    • --local
  • Tracks


  • Record Gif Here of running runiac


homebrew tap:

brew install optum/tap/runiac


Download the pre-compiled binaries from the releases page and copy to the desired location.


For more detailed examples of runiac, be sure to check out the examples directory!



  • Steps follow a folder naming convention of step{progressionLevel}_{stepName}
    • A Step's Progression Level identifies the ordering of execution.
  • All steps receive a common set of input variables (see below)
  • All steps receive the output variables of the steps in the progression level ahead of them.
    • For example:
      • output variables of step1 will be sent into step2
      • output variables of step1 and step2 will be passed into step3
      • so on, so forth
  • Steps will automatically execute tests after a successful deployment, these are primarily used for smoke testing (see below)
  • Steps have two types of deployment, Primary and Regional.

Step Execution Examples

In the following Track directories:

Concurrent Steps
├── step1_aws
└── step1_onprem_adgroups

step1_aws and step1_onprem_adgroups will be executed at concurrently at the same time.

Sequential Steps
├── step1_vpc
└── step2_egress_proxy

step1_vpc will be executed first and after completion step2_egress_proxy will be executed.

Concurrent and Sequential Steps
├── step1_vpc
├── step1_aws
└── step2_cool_step
└── step2_special_step
└── step3_something_awesome
  1. step1_vpc and step1_aws will be executed first concurrently at the same time.
  2. After completion of both step2_cool_step and step2_special_step will be executed concurrently at the same time. a. The output variables of both step1's will be passed into step2 steps
  3. After completion of both step2's, step3_something_awesome will be executed. a. The output variables of all step1 and step2's will be passed into step3 steps

Step Deployment Types

Step deployment types facilitate multi-region deployments. runiac will first execute every primary step deployment type in a track. If the primary region deployment is successful, runiac will then run each step's regional deployment type (regional) concurrently across each region defined in regional_regions.


Primary deployments represent all iac in the top level directory of the executing step. Currently, the primary deployment type is executed once per region group. For example, in the us region group, the primary code would only be executed in the primary region of the us region group, us-east-1.

├── step1_vpc
├──--- *.tf

Regional deployments represent iac in the regional directory of the executing step. This code will be executed concurrently N times based on N count of regions defined in regional_regions configuration.

├── step1_vpc
├──--- regional


  1. All Tracks beside the pre-track will be executed in parallel
  • By definition tracks do not have dependencies on each other. If they do, treat them as one track with multiple steps
  1. For a track to be executed, at least one Step has to be defined within it

Default Track

For projects that are relatively straightforward and don't require multiple tracks, you do not need to use tracks in your folder heiarachy. The benefit of this approach is a simpler directory hierarchy, and you still have the possibility to scale out with multiple tracks down the road.

Be aware that with this simpler approach, you cannot use pre-tracks (see below).

A sample structure from the root directory of your project might look like this:


To whitelist steps for execution when using a default track, use the track name default in your step_whitelist:



A pre-track is a track that runs before all other tracks. After this track completes, the remaining tracks are executed in parallel. If the pre-track execution fails, no other tracks will be attempted. To create a pre-track, create a directory called _pretrack in the tracks directory.

Using runiac

To use runiac to deploy your infrastructure as code, you will need:

  1. Docker installed locally
  2. runiac installed locally


Configuration for executing runiac is done through environment variables. For a list of options, see the code here.

Choosing which steps to execute

By default, steps will not be executed unless they are explicitly configured to do so.

Environment Variables
  • runiac_STEP_WHITELIST: list of step names to include in execution

When providing a list of steps to execute using the runiac_STEP_WHITELIST environment variable, the general syntax is as follows:



  • PROJECT is the value of the runiac_PROJECT environment variable (default to runiac is not specified)
  • [TRACK] is the name of the track the step is located under (unless using the default track)
  • STEP_NAME: is the name of the step, without the leading stepX_ prefix

For example, given the following runiac directory setup:

├── infra/
├──── step1_sample/
├── shared
├──── step1_sample/
├──── step1_another_one/

If you wanted all three steps to be executed, you would specify them as such:

Configuration Files

A configuration file can exist in either a track's or step's directory.

  • runiac.yaml
enabled: <true|false> # This determines whether the step will be executed
execute_when: # This will conduct a runtime evaluation on whether the step should be executed
  region_in: # By matching the `var.region` input variable
    - "region-1"


The most flexible way to specify a version string for your deployment artifacts is to use the VERSION environment variable. You can source your version string however you wish with this approach.

Otherwise, you can create a version.json file at the root of the directory structure, with a version element:

  "version": "v0.0.1"

If both are present, version.json takes precedence over the VERSION environment variable.

Provider Plugin Caching

runiac uses provider plugin caching. Projects that use runiac are responsible for creating the directories that are used for provider caching and also creating their own .terraformrc file. Please note that with the upgrade to Terraform v0.13, projects will need to update their filesystem layout for local copies of providers as stated here.



Using Previous Step Output Variables

By default, runiac will pass in the output variables from previous steps into the current step.

For example, if step1_s3_bucket has a defined outputs.tf:

output "producer_assume_role_arn" {
  description = "The name of the S3 Bucket (Purple Bucket) that will be the destination of all logs on the AWS account."
  value       = aws_iam_role.producer_lambda_role.arn

Then step2_logging can use it by declaring a variable as {step_name}-{output_variable_name}, for example:

variable "s3_bucket-producer_assume_role_arn" {
  type        = string
  description = "Variable from step1_s3_bucket"

If a pre-track exists, all the step output variables from the pre-track will be available as input variables to other steps. These pre-track output variables can be used in other steps by declaring a variable as pretrack-{pretrack_step_name}-{output_variable_name}. For example:

variable pretrack-project_creation-project_name {
  type        = string
  description = "Variable from the project_creation step in the pre-track"
Regional Variables

When working in a regional context, additional passed variables are available from prior step's regional deployments.

NOTE: Only output variables from primary and same region regional deployments are available to regional deployments

To access previous step's regional output variables one can do so by adding -regional- after the step name of the variable, like the following:

variable "s3_bucket-regional-producer_assume_role_arn" {
  type        = string
  description = "Variable from step1_s3_bucket"

If a pre-track exists, you can also access the regional output variables from the pre-track steps by declaring a variable as pretrack-{pretrack_step_name}-regional-{output_variable_name}. For example:

variable pretrack-resource_groups-regional-resource_group_name {
  type        = string
  description = "Variable from the resource_groups regional step in the pre-track"

Common Input Variables

variable "runiac_region" {
  type        = string
  description = "The region for this Terraform run"

variable "runiac_namespace" {
  type        = string
  description = "The namespace for this Terraform run" # During PR, this value is set to `pr-{changeId}`, ie. pr-3

variable "runiac_environment" {
  type        = string
  description = "Designates the production level of the associated resource" # During PR, this value is set to `pr`

variable "runiac_app_version" {
  type        = string
  description = "Designates the specific version of the application deployment"

variable "runiac_account_id" {
  type        = string
  description = "ID of the Account being deployed to"

variable "runiac_core_account_ids_map" {
  type        = map(string)
  description = "Mapping of the available core account ids, AWS: logging_final_destination, guard_duty_master, logging_bridge_aws, logging_bridge_azu"

### Optional Variables

# The initial use case for this variable is to know which account is the original target after overriding
# provider.assume_role.arn in terraform.
variable "runiac_target_account_id" {
  type        = string
  description = "The account id that the step function told the fargate task to deploy to"

variable "runiac_deployment_ring" {
  type = string
  description = "The deployment ring currently being executed in"

variable "runiac_stage" {
  type = string
  description = "The stage currently being executed in"

variable "runiac_track" {
  type = string
  description = "The track currently being executed in"

variable "runiac_step" {
  type = string
  description = "The step currently being executed in"

variable "runiac_region_deploy_type" {
  type = string
  description = "The step deployment type, either primary or regional"

variable "runiac_region_group" {
  type = string
  description = "The region group being deployed in, supported: 'us'"

variable "runiac_primary_region" {
  type = string
  description = "The primary region of the runiac_region_group"

variable "runiac_region_group_regions" {
  type = string
  description = "The list of regions within the runiac_region_group.  This list represents the regions that will be used to execute the `regional` directory within a step."


Tests within a step will automatically be executed after a successful deployment.

Test Convention Requirements

  • Need to be defined in a tests directory within the step's directory.
  • Need to be golang tests OR compiled to an executable named tests.test
    • If using golang tests, runiac Build Container will compile the tests to an executable automatically as part of container build process
    • Golang tests are the recommendation (ie. Terratest).
  • The tests directory will receive the terraform outputs of the step as TF_VAR environment variables

For example in the following source code directory:

├── tests
│   └── step_test.go
├── backend.tf
├── outputs.tf
├── providers.tf
├── read_only_role.tf
├── shared.tf
├── variables.tf
└── versions.tf

As part of container build, runiac will compile the golang test code into:

├── tests
│   └── tests.test
├── backend.tf
├── outputs.tf
├── providers.tf
├── read_only_role.tf
├── shared.tf
├── variables.tf
└── versions.tf

runiac will then execute tests.test after a successful step deployment.

Conventions and Supported Configurations



By convention the backend type will be automatically configured.

Supported Types:

  • S3
  • AzureRM
  • GCS
  • Local

If defining local, terraform will be executed "fresh" each time. This works very well when the step is only executing scripts/binaries through local-exec.

While you normally cannot use variable interpolation in typical Terraform backend configurations, runiac allows you some more flexibility in this area. Depending on which backend provider you are intending to use, the sections below detail which variables can be used in your configuration. These variables will be interpolated by runiac itself prior to executing Terraform.


Supported variables for dynamic key, bucket or role_arn configuration:

  • ${var.runiac_region_deploy_type}: required in key
  • ${var.region}: required in key
  • ${var.runiac_step}
  • ${var.core_account_ids_map}
  • ${var.runiac_target_account_id}
  • ${var.runiac_deployment_ring}
  • ${var.environment}
  • ${local.namespace-} (temporary backwards compatibility variable)

Example Usage:

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    key      = "${var.runiac_target_account_id}/${local.namespace-}${var.runiac_step}/${var.runiac_region_deploy_type}-${var.region}.tfstate"
    bucket   = "product-tfstate-${var.core_account_ids_map.runiac_deploy}"
    role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${var.core_account_ids_map.runiac_deploy}:role/StateRole"
    acl      = "bucket-owner-full-control"
    region   = "us-east-1"
    encrypt  = true

Supported variables for dynamic bucket and/or prefix configuration:

  • ${var.gaia_region_deploy_type}
  • ${var.region}
  • ${var.gaia_step}
  • ${var.core_account_ids_map}
  • ${var.gaia_target_account_id}
  • ${var.gaia_deployment_ring}
  • ${var.environment}
  • ${local.namespace-} (temporary backwards compatibility variable)

Example Usage:

terraform { 
  backend "gcs" {
    bucket  = "df-${var.environment}-tfstate"
    prefix  = "infra/${var.gaia_deployment_ring}/${var.gaia_region_deploy_type}/${var.region}/${local.namespace-}infra.tfstate"

Provider (AWS)

At this time, providers must be defined in a providers.tf file for this configuration to work


By convention runiac will assume role into the OrganizationAccountAccessRole of the ACCOUNT_ID environment variable prior to executing any steps. However, sometimes there is value in explicitly defining terraform infrastructure for multiple accounts in the same repository, for example a subset of "Core" accounts all other accounts share. To support this, Bedrock container will use the provider.assume_role.role_arn value in the step's providers.tf where one can explicitly set which account the terraform will be executed in via the assume role arn.

Provider (Azurerm)

At this time, providers must be defined in a providers.tf file for this configuration to work

Targeting a specific Azure subscription using subscription_id

To mirror the assume_role functionality for AWS core deployments in runiac, Azure supports deploying to Azure core accounts using the subscription_id field in the provider. For example:

provider "azurerm" {
  version         = "1.35.0"
  subscription_id = var.core_account_ids_map.tenant_core_azu

When using this functionality, you can only specifiy an account in the core_account_ids_map Terraform variable. If this value is not specified, runiac will deploy to the account that was specified by the ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID environment variable.

Supported parameters

The runiac_target_account_id and any key available in the core_account_ids_map input variable can be used in the provider.assume_role.role_arn value. For example, to deploy infrastructure only the AWS Bridge Logging accounts the configuration would minimally need to include:

provider "aws" {
  assume_role = {
    role_arn     = "arn:aws:iam::${var.core_account_ids_map.logging_bridge_aws}:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole"

In this example the terraform creds_id and account_id input variables will match the values for logging_bridge_aws

NOTE: Only using the OrganizationAccountAccessRole role is supported

Working with Secrets

Secrets within runiac should be stored within AWS SSM Parameter Store as encrypted parameters. runiac utilizes a naming hierarchy for scoping the secrets.

This hierarchy goes as /bedrock/delivery/{csp}/{stage}/{track}/{step}/{ring}/param-{parameter}

Parameters defined at a more granular level (ie. step over csp) will take precedent.

See the appropriate unit tests for how this works here.

NOTE: These parameters must be defined in the account Bedrock delivery framework executes in.

Deployment Ring Specific Configurations


The most common and terraform friendly to implement deployment specific configuration is via count and simple if statements in the terraform code based on the passed in var.runiac_deployment_ring value.

Override Files

The alternative option is using terraform's override feature. runiac handles this based on the override directory within a step.

The supported override files are below:

  • override.tf - file will be added for all deployment rings and deployments, including Self-Destroy.
  • ring_*ring-name*_override.tf - file will be added for the specified deployment ring and deployments, including Self-Destroy.
  • destroy_override.tf - file will be added for all deployment rings and Self-Destroy deployments.
  • destroy_ring_*ring-name*_override.tf - file will be added for the specified deployment ring and Self-Destroy deployments.

For example, in the following step when deploying to:

  • local deployment ring: the ring_local_override.tf file will be added to the executed terraform
  • prod deployment ring: the ring_prod_override.tf file will be added to the executed terraform
├── override
│   └── ring_local_override.tf
│   └── ring_prod_override.tf
├── backend.tf
├── outputs.tf
├── providers.tf
├── read_only_role.tf
├── shared.tf
├── variables.tf
└── versions.tf

For example, in main.tf:

# super important resource that cannot be deleted
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "centralized_logging_master_bucket" {
  bucket        = "log-compliance-data"

  lifecycle {
    prevent_destroy = true

And then for ephemeral environments (e.g. local development), ring_local_override.tf:

# super important resource that can be deleted in local deployment ring
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "centralized_logging_master_bucket" {
  lifecycle {
    prevent_destroy = false

This has the benefit of not introducing the subtle complexities of "toggling" between two different resources with count

NOTE: Terraform recommends using this feature sparingly as it is not noticeable the value is overridden in the main terraform files. A common use case for this feature is controlling terraform lifecycle parameters for ephemeral environments while keeping the main terraform files defined for production.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md first.

Running Locally

runiac is only executed locally with unit tests. To execute runiac child projects locally, one would need to build this container first.

Docker Build:

$ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t runiac .

We recommend adding an alias to install the cli locally:

alias runiacdev='(cd <LOCAL_PROJECT_LOCATION>/cmd/cli && go build -o $GOPATH/bin/runiac) && runiac'

This allows one to use the the examples for iterating on runiac changes.

$ cd examples/terraform-gcp-hello-world
$ runiacdev -a <YOUR_GCP_PROJECT_ID> -e nonprod --local