
Toggle dark/light mode appearance across all apps with one command

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

macOS System Preferences dark mode toggle

Toggle dark/light mode appearance across all apps with one command.

Provided herein is ToggleDarkMode.workflow/, a basic application created with the Automator app on macOS that toggles the System Preferences Appearance between Light and Dark modes.

This is intended to be invoked via the command line using a shell alias instead of manually opening up System Preferences, clicking on Appearance, etc.


Clone this repo locally, then update your shell config file with an alias calling automator that points to the absolute path of the workflow. For example:

# .zshrc
alias dark='automator "/Users/${USER_NAME}/Library/Services/ToggleDarkMode.workflow"'
alias light='dark'

Then set individual app appearance preferences to 'automatic' to follow your system wide appearance setting. This allows you to toggle appearance across all apps with one command.


Brian Zelip