
Template repository for creating a client-side geolocation web app that tells you which neighborhood you're in given any arbitrary city's data

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Neighborhood Finder

GitHub package.json version

This is a GitHub template repository for creating a client-side geolocation web app that tells you which neighborhood you're in given any arbitrary city's data.

  • single static html page
  • uses the Geolocation web api to get the user's current position
  • fetches neighborhoods geojson data from some city's API, saves it to browser's local storage
  • compares position to neighborhoods using d3-polygon


  • find and replace $CITY with city name in index.html and app.js
  • update dataAPI variable in app.js with the city's API
  • update searchUrlBase variable in app.js with the base url for searching the city's website (the neighborhood name gets appended to the url as a parameter in updateDOM()), eg 'https://www.ci.missoula.mt.us/Search?searchPhrase='
  • update the footer link with the source code repo URL
  • update this README file
  • update package.json
  • consider changing the color scheme in styles.css, see Missoula for an example
  • consider updating the nameEl value in app.js when the neighborhood is not found
  • consider changing author information in the head and footer of index.html, package.json, and LICENSE



Open a PR!


Brian Zelip
