Super Bug Zapper

A mini game created with WebGL, for the COSC 414 Computer Graphics course


The playing field starts as a circular disk centered at the origin. ✔️
Bacteria grow on the circumference of the disk starting at an arbitrary spot on the circumference and growing out uniformly in each direction from that spot at a speed determined by the game. ✔️
The player needs to eradicate the bacteria by placing the mouse over the bacteria and hitting a button. ✔️
The effect of the poison administered is to immediately remove the poisoned bacteria. ✔️
The game can randomly generate up to a fixed number (say 10) of different bacteria (each with a different color). ✔️
The bacteria appear as a crust on the circumference of the disk. ✔️
The game gains points through the delays in the user responding and by any specific bacteria reaching a threshold. ✔️
The player wins if all bacteria are poisoned before any two different bacteria reach the threshold mentioned above. ✔️
Bonus Features
When two bacteria cultures collide, the first one to appear on the circumference dominates and consumes the later generated bacteria. ✔️
When a bacterial culture is hit, use a simple 2D particle system to simulate an explosion at the point where the poison is administered. ✔️