This is a simple project used to listen in on redux messages and take action. Listeners can be automatically added/removed. Useful for attaching part of your page to intercept messages and update. ie: WebGL canvas to update based on actions.
If you are using React then in your component mount/unmount is where you would likely register and deregister your middleware handlers. So, we are bringing the redux actions right into our code - not via props, which is generally the correct way. If props are unavailable to you then you can use this middleware to synchronize or in a non-React environment.
$ cd <your-project-dir>
$ npm install redux-wiretap --save
# Run npm install and write your library name when asked. That's all!
$ cd <your-project-dir>
$ yarn add redux-wiretap --save
You can import the generated bundle to use the whole library generated by this starter:
import middleware from 'redux-wiretap'
Additionally, you can import the transpiled modules from dist/lib
in case you have a modular library:
import middleware from 'redux-wiretap/dist/lib/redux-wiretap'
Example to add the redux-wiretap to redux createStore:
import { applyMiddleware, compose, createStore } from 'redux'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
import reduxWiretap from 'redux-wiretap'
export default (initialState = {}) => {
// ======================================================
// Middleware Configuration
// ======================================================
const middleware = [
return createStore(
You may end up with something like this in TypeScript, I've included this as an example using strongly typed handlers (JavaScript below).
import * as React from 'react';
import { RouteComponentProps } from 'react-router-dom';
import { registerHandler, removeHandler } from 'redux-wiretap';
import { ImportedAction } from '../actions'
class Example extends React.Component<RouteComponentProps<{}>, {}> {
componentDidMount() {
this.defaultHandlers = new Map<String, (action: { type: String }) => boolean>([
['ACTION_1', (action: ImportedAction) => {
// logic to handle within our component with access to action properties.
return true;
this.actionHandler = (action): boolean => {
if (this.defaultHandlers.has(action.type)) {
// console.log(`calling default handler for ${action.type}`);
const defaultHandler = this.defaultHandlers.get(action.type);
return defaultHandler !== undefined && defaultHandler(action);
} else {
return false;
componentWillUnmount() {
Javascript of essentially the same code as above.
import * as React from 'react';
import { RouteComponentProps } from 'react-router-dom';
import { registerHandler, removeHandler } from 'redux-wiretap';
class Example extends React.Component<RouteComponentProps<{}>, {}> {
componentDidMount() {
this.actionHandlersMap = {
'ACTION_1': (action) => {
// logic here for 'ACTION_1'
return true;
'ACTION_2': (action) => {
// logic here for 'ACTION_2'
return true; // indicates to middleware that it was handled
this.actionHandler = (action) => {
if (this.actionHandlersMap[action.type] === undefined) {
// probably you will want to remove this logging, but can track unhandled calls here as well.
console.log(`no handler defined for '${action.type}'`, action);
return false;
} else {
const defaultHandler = this.actionHandlersMap[action.type];
return defaultHandler(action);
componentWillUnmount() {