A silly tool that just runs a sed command to replace names and roots paths of tmuxifier layouts
I use it in conjunction with tmux, tmuxifier, and git worktree to be able to create tmux sessions of a given layout for each worktree of a repo that I pull down.
Clone the repo somewhere, I keep mine in $HOME/.tmuxifierinator
Add the following to your .bashrc / .zshrc / whatever
export PATH="$HOME/.tmuxifierinator:$PATH"
and since I foolishly named this thing, I also aliased it to tmfi
alias tmfi='tmuxifierinator'
I use this to make tmuxifier more powerful, so you'll need tmuxifier.
The tool has three required flags and that's it.
I don't know why I didn't just use positional parameters but oh well.
Here's an example of how I uses it.
tmfi --session $name --root $proj_root/worktrees/$name --template $template
--session or -s
names the tmuxifier session.
--root or -r
defines the root of the tmuxifier session, here I'm setting it to a git worktree of the same name as the session.
--template or -t
defines the template of the session to use, which should be found in your file system at $TMUXIFIER_TEMPLATE_PATH/<value>.session.template.sh
Here's an example of a tmuxifier template file:
# Set a custom session root path.
session_root "{{root}}"
# Create session
if initialize_session "{{session}}"; then
# Load a defined window layout.
load_window "my_window"
load_window "my_second_window"
# Select the default active window on session creation.
select_window 1
# Finalize session creation and switch/attach to it.
It's just a tmuxifier layout with the session_root and initialize_session set to two strings that get replaced by your flags.