Realtime Minecraft server player counter. View both realtime and historical player counts of many of the most popular Minecraft servers. Heavily inspired by Minetrack.
The ultimate goal is to count half a million Minecraft players during peak hours on over 1,000 Minecraft servers! I would like for as many servers as possible to be included. Currently, more popular servers (200+ players at peak hours) are prioritized to have the biggest impact.
- 📈 View player count history with pretty line charts!
- 👉 Select different timespans to see.
- 💽 Data is kept for two months, so you can see up-to two months history.
- 🕵️ Discover when servers are/are not at peak hours.
- MCStats front-end is written in React.
- The charts are created with ApexCharts.
- Pagination added using react-paginate.
- The searchable dropdown menu uses react-select.
- Written with Java and Spring Boot.
- Data is stored in PostgreSQL and utilizes the TimescaleDB addon.
- Data is gathered by using minecraft-server-ping.
Check out the back-end code as well!