
Brickadia server wrapper, automator, and plugin runner

Primary LanguageTypeScriptISC LicenseISC


Read the README first before asking questions! Join the discord to browse plugins and get support.

Omegga wraps brickadia's server console to provide interactivity and utility via plugins.

Omegga plugins can do things like:

  • Add custom chat commands
  • Respond to and send chat messages
  • Load bricks to player's clipboards
  • Load/Clear regions of bricks
  • Damage/heal players
  • Give/remove weapons to players
  • Change the environment
  • Create/delete minigames, and join/leave players from minigames
  • Teleport players, detect player's positions
  • Grant players roles
  • Detect when a brick with an interact component is clicked



You can run omegga in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (I recommend Ubuntu) or on an actual linux install.

Do not install omegga or run brickadia/omegga as root/superuser:

  • running whoami should NOT print "root"
  • your terminal prompt should NOT end with #
  • you should NOT be typing sudo npm i -g omegga
  • running echo $EUID should NOT print "0"
  • if you type pwd it should NOT print "/root" (type cd to navigate to your user's home dir)

If any of the above are true, create a new user and continue from there.

If you need to run omegga as root, make sure your branch is main-server or unstable-server, as main will not work as root.

Quick Setup (automatically download launcher)

  1. Install linux if you haven't already (Windows Install is not that bad)

  2. If you type whoami and it says "root", create a new user and come back. This step is usually only necessary for people using a VPS.

  3. Run these commands (Installs a node installer, installs node, installs omegga):

    # download nvm
    curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
    # activate nvm
    . ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
    # install node version 20
    nvm install 20
    # install omegga
    npm i -g omegga
  4. Head over to Running Omegga or troubleshoot below.

Install Troubleshooting

If you are having issues running omegga, see the troubleshooting section for a potential fix. This section is for issues with installing.

  • If you are on Ubuntu and the output of which npm is /bin/npm

    sudo apt purge nodejs # uninstall old version of nodejs
    # restart install instructions from this point
    nvm install 20 # install node version 20 via nvm
  • If you get an error like "sh: 28: cd: can't cd to .", you need to be in bash (and probably type cd to navigate out of root directory):

    bash # use bash instead of sh
    cd # navigate home
  • If you get an error like "gyp info find Python using Python version 3.8.10 found at /usr/bin/python3" you need to install python3:

    sudo apt install python3
    npm i -g omegga
  • If you get an error like "gyp ERR! stack Error: not found: make" you need to install build-essential:

    sudo apt install build-essential # install make
    npm i -g omegga # re-run omegga install
  • If you get an error like "Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update" you need to run this before running your original command:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  • If you are having trouble installing with nvm and are running Ubuntu/Debian, run the following commands (installs node, installs omegga) instead or install node&npm from NodeSource Binary Distributions.

    curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_20.x | sudo -E bash -
    sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
    npm i -g omegga

Manual Setup (you install stuff)

Omegga depends on:

Omegga is installed as a global npm package

npm i -g omegga

Alternatively, you can use a development/local omegga.

# clone omegga
git clone https://github.com/brickadia-community/omegga.git && cd omegga

# install dependencies
npm i

# point development omegga to global npm bin
npm link

# build the web ui, build omegga's typescript, and the plugin omegga.d.ts
npm run dist

If you accidentally install both from Github and npm i -g omegga, you can run npm unlink omegga to stop npm from using the git one.

Any errors, see the troubleshooting section for a potential fix.


These are simple instructions to get Windows System for Linux installed.

Note: WSL 2 at the moment requires the wsl2binds plugin. You can install it with omegga install gh:meshiest/wsl2binds

To enable WSL, run this in powershell as an administrator:

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart

Then in the Microsoft Store, download a linux:

More Advanced Instructions here if the above is not sufficient.

To set WSL version from 2 to 1:

  1. Check WSL version with wsl -l -v in cmd
  2. In Administrator cmd, run wsl --set-version <distribution name> 1 where <distribution name> is Ubuntu, Debian, etc. (From the NAME section of the previous command)

Creating a New User

If you are running as root (terminal prompt ends with '#' instead of '$' or running whoami says "root"), create a new user.

The following commands will create a user named brickadia. Feel free to replace it to user or your own name.

# create the user
useradd -m brickadia
# set the new user's password
passwd brickadia
# allow "sudo apt install ...." to work in this user
usermod -aG sudo brickadia

# become this user, navigate to user's home, and run bash
su brickadia -c "cd && bash"

# if you were root, you would be in /root (root's home) instead of /home/brickadia
# this fixes some issues when installing omegga on a VPS


It's recommend to create a folder first before starting your server:

# change "myServer" to "brickadia" or "server" or whatever you want
mkdir myServer && cd myServer

# this will place a folder called "myServer" in your home (cd ~)

To start a server, simply type the following in a linux shell after install:


Omegga will prompt for credentials as necessary and only stores the auth tokens brickadia generates on login. Omegga does not store your password.


Omegga will tell you when it's out of date. You can update with this command:

npm i -g omegga


  • CLI config via omegga config
  • Omegga config is located in a generated omegga-config.yml
  • Plugin config is managed inside the web-ui's plugins tab.
  • Plugin config can also be set with omegga set-config pluginName configName configValue
  • Plugin config can be fetched with omegga get-config pluginName

Example available omegga-config.yml fields

  port: 8080
  webui: true
  https: true
  debug: false
  port: 7777
  map: Plate
  branch: unstable:unstable-server

Note: BRANCH-server branches download only server data


Narrow down where the issue might be with the following options:

  • If you forgot your server's password:
    • terminal: cat data/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/ServerSettings.ini | grep Password
  • If your brickadia is crashing and omegga works:
    • omegga console: /debug
    • terminal: omegga --debug
  • If your omegga isn't starting
    • terminal: omegga --verbose
  • If a plugin is crashing, message the plugin developer
    • discord: #plugin-bugs
  • If you are on Ubuntu and the output of which npm is /bin/npm
    • terminal: sudo apt purge nodejs and restart install instructions from nvm install 20.
  • If you're getting an EACCES error when running npm i -g omegga:
    1. First, try this.
    2. If that doesn't work, try this horrible bodge method for WSL:
      1. Set your WSL to WSL 2
      2. npm i -g omegga
      3. Set your WSL back to WSL 1 (assuming you want wsl1)
  • If you're getting a "gyp ERR! stack Error: not found: make"


# uninstall omegga
npm uninstall -g omegga

# remove omegga config
rm -rf ~/.config/omegga

# remove brickadia installs
rm -rf ~/.local/share/brickadia-launcher

# potentially remove extra brickadia config
rm ~/.config/Epic

You will have to delete your omegga data folders manually


Plugins are located in the plugins directory in an omegga config folder

Plugins are most easily developed in Javascript at the moment using the Node VM Plugins and Node Plugins. You can use JSON RPC Plugins to write plugins in other languages.

Installing Plugins

CLI Installation

You can install plugins with the omegga install https://github.com/user/repo command.

You can install plugins using a shorthand omegga install gh:user/repo which will install the plugin located at https://github.com/user/omegga-repo

This is the recommended way of installing plugins as it automatically runs a setup script when present.

Manual Installation

You can clone a plugin's github repo inside the plugins folder (created when you run omegga for the first time):

  • cd plugins to navigate to plugins folder
  • git clone https://github.com/user/repo to download the plugin
  • Make sure to read the plugin's README file for after-install instructions

Updating Plugins

Plugins can be updated with omegga update:

# update all plugin
omegga update

# update plugins named "pluginName" and "anotherPluginName"
omegga update pluginName anotherPluginName

Plugins may also need to be updated based on the project's README file.

Uninstalling Plugins

Plugins can be installed by deleting the plugin's respective folder:

rm -rf plugins/PLUGIN_NAME

Creating Plugins

Plugins can be created manually using the file structure described below, or they can be initialized automatically using omegga init-plugin. Follow the prompts and your plugin will be generated for you.

The plugin types are as follows:

  • safe (default), the standard Node VM plugin type
  • unsafe, an unsafe plugin with raw access to internal Omegga APIs
  • rust, an RPC plugin that makes use of the omegga-rs Rust interface
  • rpc, a plugin that will interface another executable using RPC over STDIN/STDOUT

Plugin Structure

All plugins are located in a plugins directory where you are running Omegga:

  • plugins/myPlugin - plugin folder (required)
  • plugins/myPlugin/doc.json - plugin information (required)
  • plugins/myPlugin/plugin.json - plugin version information, validated with omegga check (optional, for now)
  • plugins/myPlugin/setup.sh - plugin setup script, run after installed by omegga install (optional)
  • plugins/myPlugin/disable.omegga - empty file only present if the plugin should be disabled (optional)

Every plugin requires a doc.json file to document which briefly describes the plugin and its commands.

doc.json (example)

  "name": "My Plugin",
  "description": "Example Plugin",
  "author": "cake",
  "config": {
    "example-text": {
      "description": "This is an example text input",
      "default": "default value",
      "type": "string"
    "example-password": {
      "description": "This is example text input hidden as a password",
      "default": "hidden password value",
      "type": "password"
    "example-number": {
      "description": "This is an example numerical input",
      "default": 5,
      "type": "number"
    "example-bool": {
      "description": "This is an example boolean input",
      "default": false,
      "type": "boolean"
  "commands": [
      "name": "!ping",
      "description": "sends a pong to the sender",
      "example": "!ping foo bar",
      "args": [
          "name": "args",
          "description": "random filler arguments",
          "required": false
      "name": "!pos",
      "description": "announces player position",
      "example": "!pos",
      "args": []

Plugin Config

This is an example config section of a doc.json. The web ui provides an interface for editing these configs.

  "config": {
    "example-text": {
      "description": "This is an example text input",
      "default": "default value",
      "type": "string"
    "example-password": {
      "description": "This is example text input hidden as a password",
      "default": "hidden password value",
      "type": "password"
    "example-number": {
      "description": "This is an example numerical input",
      "default": 5,
      "type": "number"
    "example-bool": {
      "description": "This is an example boolean input",
      "default": false,
      "type": "boolean"
    "example-list": {
      "description": "This is an example list input. List type can be string, password, number, or enum",
      "type": "list",
      "itemType": "string",
      "default": ["hello"]
    "example-enum": {
      "description": "This is an example enum/dropdown input",
      "type": "enum",
      "options": ["foo", "bar", "baz", 1, 2, 3],
      "default": "foo"
    "example-enum-list": {
      "description": "This is an example list of enums.",
      "type": "list",
      "itemType": "enum",
      "options": ["foo", "bar", "baz"],
      "default": ["foo"]
    "example-players-list": {
      "description": "This is an example list of players.",
      "type": "players",
      "default": [
          "id": "fa577b9e-f2be-493f-a30a-3789b02ba70b",
          "name": "Aware"
    "example-role": {
      "description": "This is an example role dropdown",
      "type": "role",
      "default": "Admin"

That config section would generate the following default config:

  "example-text": "default value",
  "example-password": "hidden password value",
  "example-number": 5,
  "example-bool": false,
  "example-list": ["hello"],
  "example-enum": "foo",
  "example-enum-list": ["foo"],
  "example-players-list": [
    { "id": "fa577b9e-f2be-493f-a30a-3789b02ba70b", "name": "Aware" }

This is provided to plugins in the constructor or the RPC init function.

Plugin File

This is an example plugin.json, located inside a plugin folder. The plugin file helps omegga know if the plugin is compatible with the current installation. Plugin files can be validated with the omegga check command.

  "formatVersion": 1,
  "omeggaVersion": ">=0.1.32",
  "emitConfig": "config.json"
  • formatVersion - indicates the plugin file format version
  • omeggaVersion - indicates compatible omegga versions (semver cheatsheet)
  • emitConfig - optional, a path to a json file where plugin config will be saved to before the plugin starts.

Plugin Store

All plugins have the capability to get/set values in a very lightweight "database"

The following asynchronous methods are provided:

Method Arguments Description
store.get key (string) Get an object from plugin store
store.set key (string), value (any) Store an object in plugin store
store.delete key (string) Remove an object from plugin store
store.wipe none Remove all objects from plugin store
store.count none Count number of objects in plugin store
store.keys none Get keys for all objects in plugin store

Example usage:

// simple add function
async function add() {
  const a = await store.get('foo');
  const b = await store.get('bar');
  await store.set('baz', a + b);
  await store.delete('foo');
  await store.delete('bar');

(async () => {
  // store foo and bar in the plugin store
  await Promise.all([store.set('foo', 5), store.set('bar', 2)]);

  // add foo and bar
  await add();

  // baz should be equal to 7
  console.log('assert', (await store.get('baz')) === 7);

  // demo of storing an object
  await store.set('example object', {
    foo: 'you can store objects in the store too',
    bar: "just don't expect it to work with anything recursive (cannot serialize)",

For Node Plugins, the store is the third argument passed into the constructor. For JSONRPC Plugins, the "store.get"/etc. methods can be used.

JSONRPC Note: store.set has an array of arguments ([key, value])

Node VM Plugins

Node VM Plugins are what you should be using. They are run inside a VM inside a Worker. This means when they crash, they do not crash the whole server, and they can in the future have locked down permissions (disable filesystem access, etc.).

These plugins receive a "proxy" reference to omegga and have limited reach for what they can touch.

Register custom /commands by returning {registeredCommands: ['foo', 'bar']} (registers command /foo and /bar) in the async init() method.

By defining an async pluginEvent(event, from, ...args) method in your plugin class, you can respond to events from other plugins, where from is the name of the other plugin, event is the name of the custom event, and args is an array of any passed arguments.


  • OMEGGA_UTIL - access to the src/util/index.js module
  • Omegga - access to the "proxy" omegga
  • console.log - and other variants (console.error, console.info) print specialized output to console

Folder Structure

In a plugins directory create the following folder structure:

  • plugins/myPlugin - plugin folder (required)
  • plugins/myPlugin/omegga.plugin.js - js plugin main file (required)
  • plugins/myPlugin/doc.json
  • plugins/myPlugin/access.json - plugin access information (required, but doesn't have to have anything right now). this will contain what things the vm will need to access

access.json (examples)

Access to any builtin modules (fs, path, etc.)


Access to nothing - only the code in the omegga.plugin.js


Access to only fs, (const fs = require('fs');)


omegga.plugin.js (example)

class PluginName {
  // the constructor also contains an omegga if you don't want to use the global one
  // config and store variables are optional but provide access to the plugin data store
  constructor(omegga, config, store) {
    this.omegga = omegga;
    this.config = config;
    this.store = store;
    console.info('constructed my plugin!');

  async init() {
    Omegga.on('chatcmd:ping', (name, ...args) => {
      Omegga.broadcast(`pong @ ${name} + ${args.length} args`);
    }).on('chatcmd:pos', async name => {
      const [x, y, z] = await Omegga.getPlayer(name).getPosition();
      Omegga.broadcast(`<b>${name}</> is at ${x} ${y} ${z}`);

  async stop() {
    // any remove events are not necessary because the VM removes the code

module.exports = PluginName;

omegga.plugin.ts (example)

Be sure to put .build/ and node_modules/ in your .gitignore

Requires a tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "noEmit": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "target": "es2020",
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "omegga/*": ["node_modules/omegga/dist/*"]


import type { OmeggaPlugin, OL, PS, PC } from 'omegga/plugin';

type Config = { foo: string };
type Storage = { bar: string };

export default class Plugin implements OmeggaPlugin<Config, Storage> {
  omegga: OL;
  config: PC<Config>;
  store: PS<Storage>;

  constructor(omegga: OL, config: PC<Config>, store: PS<Storage>) {
    this.omegga = omegga;
    this.config = config;
    this.store = store;

  async init() {
    // Write your plugin!
    this.omegga.on('cmd:test', (speaker: string) => {
      this.omegga.broadcast(`Hello, ${speaker}!`);

    return { registeredCommands: ['test'] };

  async stop() {
    // Anything that needs to be cleaned up...

Node Plugins

Node plugins are effectively require'd into omegga. They have the potential to crash the entire service through uncaught exceptions and also can be insecure. Develop and run these at your own risk - your server stability may suffer.

These plugins receive a direct reference to the omegga that wraps the brickadia server. As a result, they can directly modify how omegga runs.

Cleanup is important as code can still be running after the plugin is unloaded resulting in strange and undefined behavior. Make sure to run clearInterval and clearTimeout

Register custom /commands by returning {registeredCommands: ['foo', 'bar']} (registers command /foo and /bar) in the async init() method.


  • OMEGGA_UTIL - access to the src/util/index.js module

Folder Structure

In a plugins directory create the following folder structure:

  • plugins/myPlugin - plugin folder (required)
  • plugins/myPlugin/doc.json
  • plugins/myPlugin/omegga.main.js - js plugin main file (required)

omegga.main.js (example)

class PluginName {
  // config and store variables are optional but provide access to the plugin data store
  constructor(omegga, config, store) {
    this.omegga = omegga;
    this.config = config;
    this.store = store;

  async init() {
      .on('chatcmd:ping', (name, ...args) => {
        this.omegga.broadcast(`pong @ ${name} + ${args.length} args`);
      .on('chatcmd:pos', async name => {
        const [x, y, z] = await this.omegga.getPlayer(name).getPosition();
        this.omegga.broadcast(`<b>${name}</> is at ${x} ${y} ${z}`);

  async stop() {

module.exports = PluginName;

JSON RPC Plugins

JSON RPC Plugins let you use any language you desire, as long as you can run it from a single executable file. They follow the JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification

The server communicates with the plugin by sending messages to stdin and expects responses in stdout. All stderr is printed to the console.

Register custom /commands by returning {registeredCommands: ['foo', 'bar']} (registers command /foo and /bar) in the init method.

Omegga Methods (You can access these)

Method Arguments Description Returns
log line (string) Prints message to omegga console
error line (string) Same as log but with different colors
info line (string) Same as log but with different colors
debug line (string) Same as log but with different colors
warn line (string) Same as log but with different colors
trace line (string) Same as log but with different colors
store.get key (string) Get an object from plugin store Object
store.set [key (string), value (any)] Store an object in plugin store
store.delete key (string) Remove an object from plugin store
store.wipe none Remove all objects from plugin store
store.count none Count number of objects in plugin store Integer
store.keys none Get keys for all objects in plugin store List of Strings
exec cmd (string) Writes a console command to Brickadia
writeln cmd (string) Same as exec
broadcast line (string) Broadcasts a message to the server
whisper {target: string, line: string} Sends a message to a specific client
middlePrint {target: string, line: string} Sends a middle print message to a specific client
getPlayers none Online players List of Players
getAllPlayerPositions none An array of objects with fields pos and player. List of { Player Object(...), Position(...), isDead(bool) }
getRoleSetup none Server roles JSON Data
getBanList none List of bans JSON Data
getSaves none Saves in the saves directory List Strings
getSavePath name (string) The path to a specific save String
getSaveData none Current save as brs-js data BRS Object
clearBricks {target: string, quiet: bool} Clears a specific player's bricks
clearAllBricks quiet Clears all bricks on the server
saveBricks name (string) Save bricks to a save named name
loadBricks {name: string, offX, offY, offY, quiet: bool} Load bricks of save named name
loadBricksOnPlayer {name: string, player: string, offX, offY, offY} Load bricks of save named name on player clipboard
readSaveData name (string) Parses save into a brs-js save object, returns the object BRS Object
loadSaveData {data: object, offX, offY, offY, quiet: bool} Builds brs file from data, loads the file
loadSaveDataOnPlayer {data: object, player: string, offX, offY, offY} Builds brs file from data, loads the file onto a player's clipboard
changeMap map (string) Change map to specified map name, returns success Boolean
player.get target (string) Gets the player by their name or UUID. {name, id, controller, state, host: bool}
player.getRoles target (string) Target's roles
player.getPermissions target (string) Target's permissions List of Strings
player.getNameColor target (string) Target's name color RGB Hex Object (int, int ,int)
player.getPosition target (string) Target's position Position Object
player.getGhostBrick target (string) Target's ghost brick {targetGrid, location(Location), orientation}
player.getPaint target (string) Target's current paint selection {materialIndex, materialAlpha, material, color)}
player.getTemplateBounds target (string) Target's template/selection bounds {minBound, maxBound, Center}
player.getTemplateBoundsData target (string) Target's template/selection as brs-js save data Brick Object
player.loadSaveData {target, data, offX, offY, offZ} Loads brs-js save data to the targets clipboard
player.loadDataAtGhostBrick {target, data, rotate=true, offX, offY, offZ, quiet} Loads brs-js save data at the target's selection bounds
plugin.get target (string) Gets info on the target plugin Object
plugin.emit [target (string), event (string), ...args (any)] Emit a custom event to the target plugin

Plugin Methods (You implement these)

Method Arguments Description Required
init config object Returns a start result, called on plugin start
stop none Returns something, called on plugin stop
bootstrap [{ omegga info (host, version, etc) }] Run when plugin is started for base data
plugin:players:raw [[... [player name, id, controller, state]]] Lists players on the server
plugin:emit [event, from, ...args] Fired when another plugin sends an event
line [brickadiaLog string] A brickadia console log
start [{map}] On brickadia server start
host [{name, id}] When the host is detected
version [-1 or the CL number] When the version is detected
unauthorized none On brickadia server fails an auth check
join [{name, id, state, controller}] Run when a player joins
leave [{name, id, state, controller}] Run when a player leaves
cmd:command [playerName, ...args] Runs when a player runs a /command args
chatcmd:command [playerName, ...args] Runs when a player runs a !command args
chat [playerName, message] Runs when a player sends a chat message
interact {brick_asset: string;player: { id: string; name: string; controller: string; pawn: string };position: [number, number, number];} Runs when a player clicks a brick with an interact component. data is parsed JSON if line (from interact component) starts with "json:{"your": "json"}`. Uses interact log field
event:NAME [>player from click<, ...args] Runs when an interact component has `event:NAME: arg1,arg2,arg,3,
mapchange [{map}] Runs when the map changes
autorestart [autorestart config] Runs server has an autorestart scheduled
minigamejoin {player: {name, id}; minigameName: string} Runs when a player joins a minigame. Note that minigameName is not unique between minigames. minigameName will be null if player leaves all minigames. This will run before join

Folder Structure

In a plugins directory create the following folder structure:

  • plugins/myPlugin - plugin folder (required)
  • plugins/myPlugin/doc.json
  • plugins/myPlugin/omegga_plugin - executable plugin file (required)

omegga_plugin (example, node javascript)

#!/usr/bin/env node

const readline = require('readline');
const { EventEmitter } = require('events');
const {
} = require('json-rpc-2.0');

// events
const ev = new EventEmitter();

// stdio handling
const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout,
  terminal: false,

// rpc "server and client" for responding/receiving messages
const rpc = new JSONRPCServerAndClient(
  new JSONRPCServer(),
  // the client outputs JSON to console
  new JSONRPCClient(async blob => console.log(JSON.stringify(blob)))

// on stdin, pass into rpc
rl.on('line', line => {
  try {
  } catch (e) {

// regexes for matching brickadia console logs
  /^(\[(?<date>\d{4}\.\d\d.\d\d-\d\d.\d\d.\d\d:\d{3})\]\[\s*(?<counter>\d+)\])?(?<generator>\w+): (?<data>.+)$/;

ev.on('line', line => {
  const logMatch = line.match(LOG_LINE_REGEX);
  if (!logMatch) return;
  const {
    groups: { rest },
  } = logMatch;
  const dataMatch = rest.match(GENERIC_LINE_REGEX);
  if (dataMatch) ev.emit('logData', dataMatch.groups);
  else ev.emit('logLine', rest);

// list of players
let players;

// get a player by name
const getPlayer = name => players.find(p => p.name === name);

// watch console logs for a pattern, then remove the listener
function watch(exec, pattern) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    function listener(line) {
      const match = line.match(pattern);
      // listener removes itself on a match
      if (match) {
        ev.off('logLine', listener);
    // add the listener
    ev.on('logLine', listener);

    // run the console command
    rpc.notify('writeln', exec);

// get a player's position
async function getPlayerPos(name) {
  const player = getPlayer(name);
  if (!player) return;

  // get player position from player controller
  const pawnRegExp = new RegExp(
    `BP_PlayerController_C .+?PersistentLevel\\.${player.controller}\.Pawn = BP_FigureV2_C'.+?:PersistentLevel.(?<pawn>BP_FigureV2_C_\\d+)'`
  const { pawn } = await watch(
    `GetAll BP_PlayerController_C Pawn Name=${player.controller}`,

  // get player position from pawn
  const posRegExp = new RegExp(
    `CapsuleComponent .+?PersistentLevel\\.${pawn}\\.CollisionCylinder\\.RelativeLocation = \\(X=(?<x>[\\d\\.-]+),Y=(?<y>[\\d\\.-]+),Z=(?<z>[\\d\\.-]+)\\)`
  const { x, y, z } = await watch(
    `GetAll SceneComponent RelativeLocation Name=CollisionCylinder Outer=${pawn}`,

  return [x, y, z].map(Number);

// emit a console log
const log = (...args) => rpc.notify('log', args.join(' '));

// when available players updates - plugin:players:raw is emitted
rpc.addMethod('plugin:players:raw', ([playerArr]) => {
  // update the players list
  players = playerArr.map(p => ({
    name: p[0],
    id: p[1],
    controller: p[2],
    state: p[3],

// ping command
rpc.addMethod('chatcmd:ping', ([name, ...args]) => {
  rpc.notify('broadcast', `pong @ ${name} + ${args.length} args`);

// player position command
rpc.addMethod('chatcmd:pos', async ([name]) => {
  log('player', name, 'requests position');
  const [x, y, z] = await getPlayerPos(name);
  rpc.notify('broadcast', `<b>${name}</> is at ${x} ${y} ${z}`);

// pass lines into the event emitter
rpc.addMethod('line', ([line]) => {
  ev.emit('line', line);

// receive config object in init
rpc.addMethod('init', async ([config]) => ({ registeredCommands: [] }));
rpc.addMethod('stop', async () => 'ok');

Extra Features

Environment Variables

omegga accepts the following environment variables:

  • BRICKADIA_USER - brickadia auth username (on first start)
  • BRICKADIA_PASS - brickadia auth password (on first start)
  • BRICKADIA_PORT - brickadia server port (on config creation)
  • OMEGGA_PORT - omegga webserver port (on config creation)


Default config values (including hidden ones)

  port: 8080 # web-ui port
  webui: true # enable web-ui
  plugins: true # enable plugins
  singleUser: false # disable web-ui auth users
  https: true # enable https for web-ui
  debug: false # debug logging
  port: 7777 # game server port
  map: Plate # map name
  branch: unstable:unstable-server # branch alias:branch name