
About The Project

❗ Important: This is the Client of the main Whatsapp clone project.

Whatsapp Clone is a real time messaging application that imitates the working of famous messaging app "Whatsapp". Unlike the real Whatsapp , this web app stores the messages in the cloud Database and authentication is done using Firebase Auth.

Built With

  • MongoDB

  • Express.js

  • ReactJS

  • Node.js

  • Pusher : Pusher Channels provides realtime communication between servers, apps and devices. Channels is used for realtime charts, realtime user lists, realtime maps, multiplayer gaming, and many other kinds of UI updates.

  • Authentication - Firebase

  • Deployment - Heroku


  • Signup/Login using email and password
  • Realtime messaging
  • Add friend


  1. Login/Signup using you email and password
    Demo Sign in
    email: abc@gmail.com
    password: waclone321#


  1. Copy your secret code


  1. Open another browser/incognito and Login using another account
    Demo Sign in
    email: xyz@gmail.com
    password: waclone321#

  2. Open Add friend in Guest-2 and paste Guest-1's secret code to get connected


  1. Send messages to see realtime changes.