Desktop app

An Electron-based P2P streaming music application



Running tests assume you're already running IPFS locally, on the default port.

Get dependencies:

make init

To start the gulp bundle process, run:

# set up ipfs_endpoint variable to point to already running IPFS daemon used for tests
ipfs-select local

In a separate shell, start electron:

gulp electron

To avoid disowned and lost IPFS daemons, always kill the Electron app via Application Quit rather than ^C to gulp electron

If work on atm-ipfs-api is needed

It makes life easier to symlink your local atm-ipfs-api checkout to the node_modules in desktop

  1. Clone ipfs-api
  2. In the ipfs-api directory
    1. follow init instructions there
    2. run npm link (see more about npm-link here)
  3. In this directory, run npm link atm-ipfs-api

Distribution Builds

It's a failry manual process right now, but basically make build will get you a package for at least OSX, with more planned.