
a place to collect and brainstorm draft blog posts


a place to collect and brainstorm draft blog posts

If you have an idea for a blog post or want to contribute to writing one, please check out the github issues on this repo. You can tag as:

  • idea
  • draft
  • ready

Communication Stategy

In blogging and social media, our goal is the get the word out about the amazing work that is happening: from people and projects within our organizations, from any indiviudal or organization who is doing like-minded work and making an impact elsewhere, as well as 'untold stories' that will inspire our readers.

Target audience: workshop organizers, educators, people who want to make positive change to increase diversity in tech

We've developed the following categories to help us brainstorm future blog posts. We should seek to create stories that are diverse in geography and encourage new writers and guest posts whenever possible to include a variety of voices.

  1. Resources for
  • Organizers
  • Students (not for a specific technology, rather patterns for effective learning, finding your path, etc.)
  • Teachers
  1. Stories / Highlight unsung heroes
  • Teachers / Coaches
  • Students
  • Organizers
  • Technology leaders / inventors
  1. Illustrate the trend
  • Stats / Reports that include quanitative or qualitative analysis
  • Patterns - stories of people or other orgs doing amazing things, illustrating patterns that work
  • Highlight podcasts, videos, blog posts, resources: include at least a few sentences introduction, ideally some pull quotes, something that gives reader perspective on why they should care

Publishing a post

Ready to have your post published? Make a note that it is ready for review in the comments and post on the Bridge Foundry mailing list for feedback or send to other folks who were involved in the story. After someone besides the author (or most recent editor) has reviewed and added their 👍 in the comments, we'll tag is as ready and move it over to the blog.

Join the Outreach Team!

Send an email to hello@bridgefoundry.org and let us know you are interested. All we need is a passion to make a positive difference in the world and willingness to help. Time commitment can be intermittent or regular, just let us know what to expect.

We are actively looking to add more writers and a designer to the team, but we also need help simply reviewing and commenting on posts, writing up short news items, and moving files around. Many hands make light work!