- 3
How do I use codespaces for this?
#165 opened by noelleshantler - 1
link to EIN info (via corp docs) - 404
#158 opened by ultrasaurus - 3
- 1
Include well defined historical timeline on the Website
#138 opened by eggya - 1
- 4
Website doesn't work on IE8 and earlier
#101 opened by ultrasaurus - 0
optional blog post authors
#62 opened by ultrasaurus - 2
Update How You Can Help form
#104 opened by dianaluepke - 0
London Bridges post-event blog post
#129 opened by ultrasaurus - 3
- 4
Identify people in the first workshop photo
#131 opened by ultrasaurus - 1
How to... section on website
#67 opened by ultrasaurus - 1
Add language to donation page
#103 opened by dianaluepke - 0
publish reading list
#128 opened by ultrasaurus - 0
blog should have an RSS feed
#126 opened by ultrasaurus - 1
Remove or update Finance Manager blog post
#105 opened by dianaluepke - 1
History should have a photo!
#60 opened by ultrasaurus - 0
Donations page can be more robust
#111 opened by iisa - 2
Add EIN to website, so it is easy to find
#97 opened by jackiekazil - 0
idea for alternate home page image / text overlay
#100 opened by ultrasaurus - 7
Add scalabridge blog post to website
#96 opened by mfjenn - 3
how to make a blog post
#21 opened by ultrasaurus - 1
google analytics
#93 opened by LauraKirby - 2
Homepage: "Workshops" should be "Bridges"
#77 opened by mfjenn - 1
blog post -- growth & next steps
#78 opened by ultrasaurus - 0
Add steps for creating a blog post to
#88 opened by audiodude - 4
- 5
- 2
Copyright out of date
#73 opened by ilen - 2
Code of Conduct Missing
#75 opened by thejessleigh - 0
promote / partner with other groups that support our mission? (but do different work)
#70 opened by ultrasaurus - 2
Merge or drop posts from WordPress site?
#68 opened by maiki - 0
anchor tags on advisory board page
#65 opened by ultrasaurus - 8
Broken Link? Other Initiatives : Teaching Kids
#49 opened by grokmann - 0
Add Advisory Board Members
#58 opened by missherico - 0
About > History
#29 opened by missherico - 1
Tighten up nav and its hierarchy
#33 opened by missherico - 1
How is code-of-conduct implemented?
#55 opened by audiodude - 0
the logo should be in the header...
#43 opened by ultrasaurus - 0
- 9
About > What We Do
#32 opened by missherico - 3
- 1
- 1
put mission statement on website
#27 opened by ultrasaurus - 0
footer that links to github
#25 opened by ultrasaurus - 0
About Section > What We Do > Outreach
#31 opened by missherico - 0
- 0
- 0
make the site localizable
#26 opened by ultrasaurus - 0
resources section: How to make a workshop
#15 opened by ultrasaurus