
Bridge Foundry Code of Conduct

Primary LanguageCSS

Code of Conduct

Published: Code of Conduct


  • Add License file (proposal sent to list for review)
  • Add Contact Info

Editing Instructions

Fork this repo -- this makes a copy in your github account

Edit markdown (.md) files at the root directory or functional/visual design in _layouts, javascripts, stylesheets.

Do not directly edit anything in _sites

Send a pull request

To make changes locally

We're using the github-pages gem to ensure we're using locally the same versions of gems that github uses when we publish.

git clone git@github.com:yourname/code-of-conduct.git
cd code-of-conduct
bundle install

To run the site locally:

bundle exec jekyll serve

View site at http://localhost:4000


This is deployed as part of the bridgefoundry.org website. People with org permissions can trigger a build via Travis, if needed.