Automail is an automated personalized email sender. It can send emails from your email-id. You can create different formats for different people. Specifically send attachment as well as sending common attachments. It basically uses a database. It can route any entry anywhere in its options. Everything uses SSL. If it fails to send email, it records the failed ones in fail.txt
It uses Python 3. It uses only the standard packages included normally. If you want to use gmail or other providers which generally block scripts, just go to my account-->Login settings. Then turn on the 'Access to less secure apps.'
Look in the examples folder.
python [options] [arguments]
Note: column number starts from 0. Also, use double qoutes to put the subject and any thing sepertated by a space.
Also, you can use -a command with multiple file names. Preferably, use -a again and again. You can use -a with -c and -c can have multiple columns. Also -e can be used for more than one email id.
Eg: python -e 0 -e 1 -s "it is example" -a msg.txt -a msg1.txt -m con.txt -c 4 -c 5 -f list.csv --host "" --port 25
Other options: Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e ECOL, --ecol=ECOL define the column nummber for email
-a ATTACH, --attach=ATTACH
attach a file or list of files to mail
-c ACOL, --acol=ACOL attach file written in a given column
-m CONTENT, --content=CONTENT the file containing the email content. Default is nothing.
-n CCOL, --content-col=CCOL define column contaning the message file name
-s SUBJECT, --subject=SUBJECT define the subject of email. Put it in quotes. Default is nothing.
-t SCOL, --subject-col=SCOL define column containing subject
-d DELIM, --delimiter=DELIM sets the delimiter. Default is ','
-f FILE, --file=FILE define the file to take input
-p PICK, --pick=PICK This is used to define what word should be used to
call details from file. Default is arg. In content,
arg[1] refers to value of cell corresponding to column
1 and respective row.
-i HOST, --host=HOST used to set the smtp host. Default is
-j PORT, --port=PORT sets the port of smtp host. Default is 465.
-w WAIT, --wait=WAIT creates a delay in individual mails. Default is 30. (time in seconds)
--no-ssl=NOSSL restricts the use of ssl. For non ssl smtp hosts
--no-header=NOHEAD Considers first row as input.
--html=HTML Sends HTML emails.
The wait opiton is made in case, like gmail blocks your account if you try to send more than about 100 mails in an hour. It creates the required delays and thus makes it look more human like, thus allowing to mail slowly without any extra external commands.
Feel free to use or contribute in any way! If you have any suggestion, create or a pull request or an issue on GitHub.