BOSH tutorial


  • laptop with administrator access

  • comfortable using command line (as no GUI version of the tutorial is available, and Windows support is limited).

  • your own AWS account

  • an SSH keypair to use with AWS

    • You can use an existing key if you prefer, but the terraform scripts assume specific naming
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/yourname/.ssh/id_rsa): /Users/yourname/.ssh/boshtutorial
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /Users/yourname/.ssh/boshtutorial.
Your public key has been saved in /Users/yourname/.ssh/
  • Terraform installed

    • makes it easier to stand up AWS infrastructure

      • Download, extract zip file
        • Put contents in your PATH:

      mv ~/Downloads/terraform_0.6.16_darwin_amd64/* /usr/local/bin

      (or: brew install terraform)

  • Clone this repo: git clone


What is BOSH? Brief overview

AWS infrastructure


The BOSH CLI Communicates with the BOSH director Use bosh help to view available commands Verify that the BOSH CLI has a target already set: bosh target the CLI and BOSH director are on a single VM for this tutorial, but typically are not

$ bosh status

To remove warning message:

$ sudo sed -i '/RSA 1024 bit CA certificates are loaded due to old openssl compatibility/d' /var/lib/gems/2.0.0/gems/httpclient-2.7.1/lib/httpclient/ssl_config.rb

Maria Shaldibina's "Learn BOSH"

clone the repo: git clone

Follow along in Learn BOSH, but with some modifications (as we're not targeting a remote bosh director).

Replace UUID in manifest. You can use an editor or this substitution:

sed -i "s/4796378f-cc91-4d93-a1b0-75a9af101708/$(bosh status --uuid)/" manifest.yml
ubuntu@agent-id-bosh-0:~/learn-bosh-release$ bosh status --uuid
ubuntu@agent-id-bosh-0:~/learn-bosh-release$ grep uuid manifest.yml
director_uuid: 4796378f-cc91-4d93-a1b0-75a9af101708
ubuntu@agent-id-bosh-0:~/learn-bosh-release$ sed -i "s/4796378f-cc91-4d93-a1b0-75a9af101708/$(bosh status --uuid)/" manifest.yml
ubuntu@agent-id-bosh-0:~/learn-bosh-release$ grep uuid manifest.yml
director_uuid: 190bb19e-2e13-4f69-99ec-316a5ac637cf

bosh-lite: only one VM. our “VMs” are containers.

bosh vms --details
bosh vms --vitals
bosh ssh


sudo su - && monit status

BOSH concepts

  • BOSH release (versioned tarball of a software package, containing ALL of the assets that will be deployed - source files, configuration files, installation scripts, etc)
bosh releases
 * [](
 * 100+ community repos:
  • BOSH manifest - cluster config specification (in YAML) - what resources are going to be deployed, what services are going to be running on each of resources and properties that will be passed to services configuration files.

    • Sample manifests found in git repos for releases
  • BOSH stemcell - A Stemcell is an operating system image (Ubuntu) plus BOSH specifics (agent, monit, etc) that BOSH uses to create VMs.

bosh stemcells
* [Official stemcells on](

Adding a bosh-lite stemcell to your bosh director: bosh upload stemcell

  • BOSH deployment - a cluster of VMs based on the stemcell, running release software, defined by the manifest.

Looking at deployments: download manifest - see what’s actually in production!

bosh deployments
bosh download manifest <deployment-name> ~/deploymentname.yml

Other releases


bosh upload release

Cloud Foundry

pre-installed AMI in us-east-1: ami-1bf91076

(fork of the provided bosh-lite AMIs)

Use bosh start and bosh cck to restart


We talked about: AWS, Terraform, BOSH, Cloud Foundry