Angular schematic for adding Jest and the required files to an Angular CLI project
- 13
Invalid JSON character: "\n" at 59:34.
#4 opened by eloiqs - 3
test replacing ts-jest with @swc-node/jest
#49 opened by sod - 5
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- 0
configure to allow raw testing of individual files
#140 opened by robbiemu - 9
Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined error
#75 opened by gmaughan - 3
Jest throws an error "TypeError: tslib_1.__classPrivateFieldSet is not a function" when i try to do npm test after migrating from Karma to Jest using schematic
#114 opened by Yujwala - 6
- 3
Running `ng add @briebug/jest-schematic` on an Angular 15 project throws error
#127 opened by Waterstraal - 2
Unable to install jest-schematic on Angular 12
#104 opened by cr1979 - 0
Introduces moderate security risk through ajv
#121 opened by onkobu - 0
Librarys with deeper entrypoints: An unhandled exception occurred: Cannot find module '../../jest.config'
#112 opened by andreElrico - 1
- 2
Running `ng add @briebug/jest-schematic` does not install jest-preset-angular
#103 opened by MaximeKoitsalu - 5
BUG: Cannot destructure property 'test' of '(intermediate value)(intermediate value)(intermediate value)' as it is undefined.
#66 opened by Luguito - 6
- 3
Doesn't work with Angular 12.2 anymore
#76 opened by rainerhahnekamp - 0
- 1
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Libraries generated by cli using `ng generate library` creates a subproject using Karma intead of Jest
#1 opened by frenetic - 1
Module <rootDir>/setup-jest.ts in the setupFilesAfterEnv option was not found
#65 opened by fireflysemantics - 5
Use jest type instead of jasmine types
#24 opened by Robin-Hoodie - 0
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Jest Schematic + Cypress Schematic Conflicts
#51 opened by lmkerr - 0
add image to README
#45 opened by schuchard - 1
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toMatchSnapshot fails to work
#14 opened by ronlawrence3 - 1
- 5
Cannot read property 'architect' of undefined
#28 opened by praveeno - 4
Support for libraries?
#22 opened by fireflysemantics - 3
Make ng test work
#30 opened by mvollebregt - 3
Add support for projects structure
#11 opened by ChristianKohler - 1
Invalid config warning - "hosts"
#18 opened by schuchard - 0
Custom Validator not found
#39 opened by drkhannah - 11
Running in an Angular 10 project fails
#32 opened by afluegge - 1
Thanks for this Awesome Schematic!!
#21 opened by fireflysemantics - 1
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Not working with an Angular 7 project?
#2 opened by maxime1992 - 3
Deprecation warning, install issue
#6 opened by inorganik