Using exam 1 from bootcamp as practice - instructions below

Declare and initialize the following variables with appropriate values: ○ name (string) - Mitch Cuckovich ○ age (number) - 25 ○ birthday (string) - January 24 ○ detroitGC (boolean) - choose either true or false ○ lifeEvents (array with 4 items. 4 important life events)

■ "I was born in Troy, Michigan.", ■ "I went to Hope College", ■ "I went to Junior Olympics when I was 10 years old. I placed 14th in the nation in the 800 meter event.", ■ "I'm a graduate of the front-end bootcamp."

● Write an if/else statement that runs one of two console.log methods. Your console.log methods must incorporate the variables: name, age, and birthday. ○ If detroitGC is true, log the following message to the console: ■ My name is name and I am a student at Grand Circus in Detroit, Michigan. I am currently age years old and my birthday is on birthday. ○ else ■ My name is name and I am a student at Grand Circus in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I am currently age years old and my birthday is on birthday.

● Write a for loop that starts at 0 and iterates by increments of 1 while i is less than the length of the lifeEvents array. Each iteration of the loop should log a new sentence from the lifeEvents array. You should only have one console.log method. ● Declare and initialize a variable named counter to the value of 0. ● Write a while loop that loops while true. ○ Declare a variable named randomNumber that is initialized to a random integer between 1 and 10. Google search how to do this.

○ Write an if/else statement that has two conditions ■ If randomNumber is not equal to 5 ● Increment counter ● Use a console.log method to say: “randomNumber !== 5” ■ Else ● Increment counter ● Use a console.log method to say: “5 === 5. It took counter iterations to randomly generate the number 5.” ● Break