By Mocha.
Mobot is an IRC Bot that sits and watches for its name. Mobot comes preloaded with a number of commands or scripts but writing scripts is extremely easy.
Mobot is the short of Mo(cha)bot
Set configure the config.yml
to your server.
Run the following command:
ruby server.rb
After you've started Mobot up you will see it appear on the user list. Running scripts is made extremely simple. Mobot has an intelligent language processing system that can understand much more than the typical robot.
In order to run a command you have to keep in mind a few things. First off the message must have the robots name in it (defaults is Mobot), the next the message must have the name of the script you need to run, and then if the script needs any additional information that needs to be in the message as well.
Now enough talk.
Simple Ping
You: mobot ping
Mobot: pong
Natural Language
You: I'm not sure what my commit message should be... mobot any ideas?
Mobot: I don't know what these changes are supposed to accomplish but somebody told me to make them.
*Commit Messages are taken from
Language assumptions
You: Mobot!
Mobot: Hello! :)
Making a script is extremely simple. Make a file with the same name as the command you want to make.
In this example my file will be named mood.rb
module MobotScript
class Mood
def command(params, nick)
moods = ["I'm computing hard now #{nick}", "I'm so relaxed, don't make me do things #{nick}!", "Ready to serve you #{nick}!"]
Tip: Nobody likes to see the same message over and over again. Instead make an array of hashes and use the sample method to randomly pick one of the messages.
Plugins are scripts that modify the core functionality of Mobot. Plugins must be a submodule or class of the MobotPlugin
Plugins have 5 main hooks that they can respond to.
initialize – This is for classes only. This is called right before Mobot calls the other two hooks.
emRun – When EventMachine first starts up this will run. Useful for running numerous async scripts.
userJoin(user) - Sent when a user joins the room.
userLeft(user) - Sent when a user leaves the room.
sendingMessage(message) – Sent right before we send the message to the user. You must return the message you want to send to the user.
module MobotPlugin
class SimpleLogger
def initialize
puts "SimpleLogger hook is about to be called"
def emRun
puts "EventMachine has started"
def userJoin user
puts "Looks like we have a new user named #{user[:nick]}"
def userLeft user
puts "bye!"
def sendingMessage message
puts "About to send message: #{message}"
message + " <= This message was logged"