
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple weather application that can track the weather condition of any city in the world. with parameters such as temperature, humidty, pressure and wind. This project was carried out by Ogwalu chidozie currently in my 10th month at #alxafrica Software Engineering School This project helps travelers know the condition/weather forecast of any particular city/region of the world with Paris being the default setting. i worked alone on this project. As an engineer, i wanted to focus on 2 things: creating an experience that would be both web and mobile-friendly, and also sourcing a reliable API. for my API's, I used https://rapidapi.com/wirefreethought/api/geodb-cities/ to get global city, region, and country data. and https://home.openweathermap.org/ to get historical weather data available for any coordinate. I enjoy travelling especially by road, so it was an easy project focus to agree upon. When growing up, there were instances which I got beaten by rain, due to unavailability of technology to forecast the weather condition of my destination. This also made me choose wrong clothing for my outing as some harsh weather requires light clothes. This birthed the idea of creating a handy weather forecast app for my ALX portfolio project.

TECHNOLOGY AND ARCHITECTURE It collects environmental data from the device's sensors and offers real-time, hyper-local weather info. It aims to build a social community where people can post current conditions and interact with each other. I used React as my front-end frame work, used CSS and JavaScript in my project as well. I also installed React-icon dependency which was of help for generating the weather icons for the task completion. created React components which are description.jsx , app.js, index.js and weather service components respectively. I used a dynamic background which updates it self when the temperature is <=16 degrees and > 16 degrees


This app was deployed using netlify and the deployment link is down below https://startling-sorbet-d194ca.netlify.app/

