
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

[B반-b2조]데이터 시각화 웹 페이지 만들기

0. 프로젝트 소개

FastAPI 기반 EDA 시각화 서버

  • FastAPI 기반 EDA 시각화 서버
  • 구동 방법
git clone https://github.com/wschung1113/b2-webproject.git
cd b2-webproject
cd backend
python -m venv .venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn app:app --reload --port 8000

Next.js 기반 EDA 시각화 프론트 엔드

  • 백엔드 API 서버가 먼저 실행되어 있어야 합니다.
  • 실행 방법
git clone https://github.com/wschung1113/b2-webproject.git
cd b2-webproject
cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev

1. 데이터 소개

2. 데이터 취합

  • 각 .csv 파일을 순회하며 단일 DataFrame으로 취합
  # Specify the directory containing CSV files
  directory_path = Path('data')

  # Initialize an empty list to store DataFrames
  dfs = []

  # Loop through CSV files in the directory
  for csv_file in directory_path.glob('*.csv'):
      df = pd.read_csv(csv_file, encoding='latin1')

  # Concatenate all DataFrames into one
  df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)

  # take out first two meaningless columns
  df = df.iloc[:, 2:]

3. EDA

  • df.head()

        @app.get("/head/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
        async def get_head(n_rows: int=None):
            if n_rows is None:
                n_rows = 5
            df_head = df.head(n_rows)
            # Convert the DataFrame to HTML
            df_html = df_head.to_html(classes='table table-striped table-hover')
            # Create an HTML template with the DataFrame embedded
            html_content = f"""
                <title>DataFrame Display</title>
                <h1>DataFrame Display</h1>
            return HTMLResponse(content=html_content)
    • query parameter로 head() 메소드가 보여줄 행의 수를 요청할 수 있음
    • localhost:8000/head?n_rows=7 Image Alt Text
  • df.describe()

    async def get_describe():
        df_desc = df.describe(include='object')
        # Convert the DataFrame to HTML
        df_html = df_desc.to_html(classes='table table-striped table-hover')
        # Create an HTML template with the DataFrame embedded
        html_content = f"""
            <title>DataFrame Display</title>
            <h1>DataFrame Display</h1>
        return HTMLResponse(content=html_content)
    • localhost:8000/describe Image Alt Text
  • 각 연월별 가장 많이 검색된 쿼리와 해당 쿼리가 가장 많이 검색된 국가

    async def get_mode():
        # most frequent query by year and month
        most_frequent = df.groupby(['year', 'month'])['1'].apply(lambda x: x.mode())
        # Create a new DataFrame to present the results
        result_df = most_frequent.reset_index()
        countries_share = []
        for i in range(len(result_df)):
            year = result_df.loc[i, 'year']
            month = result_df.loc[i,'month']
            top_query = result_df.loc[i, '1']
            countries_share.append(','.join(df[(df['year']==year) & (df['month']==month) & (df['1']==top_query)].kw_location.unique()))
        result_df.loc[:, 'countries_share'] = countries_share
        # Convert the DataFrame to HTML
        df_html = result_df.iloc[:, [0, 1, 3, 4]].to_html(classes='table table-striped table-hover')
        # Create an HTML template with the DataFrame embedded
        html_content = f"""
            <title>DataFrame Display</title>
            <h1>DataFrame Display</h1>
        return HTMLResponse(content=html_content)
    • localhost:8000/mode Image Alt Text
  • Top N Word Cloud

    @app.get("/word-cloud/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
    async def plot_wc(country: str=None, n_ranks: int=None):
        # word cloud
        if country is None:
            df_country = df.copy()
            df_country = df[df['kw_location'] == country]
        columns = df_country['1']
        for i in range(n_ranks):
            df_country.iloc[:, 6+i] = df_country.iloc[:, 6+i].apply(lambda x: x.replace(' ', ''))
            if i != 0:
                columns += ' ' + df_country.iloc[:, 6+i]
        # Concatenate text from multiple columns into a single string
        combined_text = ' '.join(columns)
        # Create a WordCloud object
        wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color='white').generate(combined_text)
        # Display the word cloud plot
        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
        plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
        plt.title('Word Cloud from Multiple Columns')
        # plt.show()
        # Save the plot as an image in memory
        buffer = BytesIO()
        plt.savefig(buffer, format="png")
        # Encode the image data as base64
        image_base64 = base64.b64encode(buffer.read()).decode("utf-8")
        # Return an HTML page with the image
        html_content = f"""
            <title>Matplotlib Plot on Web Page</title>
            <h1>Matplotlib Plot</h1>
            <img src="data:image/png;base64,{image_base64}" alt="Sample Plot">
        return HTMLResponse(content=html_content)
    • 국가 미지정 시 모든 국가 대상으로 word cloud 생성
    • 가능 입력 국가: US, UK, DE, FR, NL, AUS, IT
    • n_ranks의 경우 Top n_ranks 쿼리들로 이루어진 word cloud 생성 (1 이상 입력)
    • http://localhost:8080/word-cloud?country=US&n_ranks=5
    • localhost:8000/word-cloud?country=US&n_ranks=5 Image Alt Text
  • 국가별 검색 순위 1위를 가장 많이 한 검색어

    # Extract countries and queries
    countries = list(firsts.keys())
    queries = [entry[0] for entry in firsts.values()]
    counts = [entry[1] for entry in firsts.values()]
    # Create a bar plot
    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
    plt.bar(countries, counts, color='skyblue')
    plt.title('Most Frequent 1st Place Queries by Country')
    # Annotate the queries on the plot
    for i, count in enumerate(counts):
        plt.text(countries[i], count + 0.1, f'{queries[i]} ({count})', ha='center', va='bottom')

    Most Frequent 1st Place Queries by Country

    • 국가별 월별 일간 1등을 가장 많이 한 검색어
    merged_df = pd.concat([us_top1, uk_top1, fr_top1, nl_top1, aus_top1], axis=1)
    merged_df.set_index('year_month', inplace=True)
    merged_df.index = ['2022-08','2022-09','2022-10','2023-01','2023-02','2023-03','2023-04','2023-05','2023-06','2023-07','2023-08']
    merged_df.columns = ['US', 'UK', 'FR', 'NL', 'AUS']


  • 한 국가에서 월별 top 10에 가장 많이 올라온 검색어 5개 (미국)

    from wordcloud import WordCloud
    top_keywords = [keyword for queries in top_5_queries.values() for keyword in queries]
    wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color='white').generate(' '.join(top_keywords))
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
    plt.title('Top 5 Queries')

    word cloud