Dockerfile to build an Ubuntu v14.04 base image for Docker containers. This image adds some essential tools such as wget, sudo, pwgen, unzip, logrotate, supervisor, net-tools, language-pack-en and software-properties-common.
The current release (v14.04.20140911) contains scripts to install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr), and uses the official Ubuntu base image. Our version numbers will reflect the version of Ubuntu being installed.
This image is intended for use as the base image in app and service containers. At the top of your Dockerfile
specify the FROM
FROM brightcommerce/ubuntu:14.04.20140911
Alternatively, if you want to build the image yourself, pull the latest version of the image from the Docker Index. This is the recommended method of installation as it is easier to update the image in the future. These builds are performed by the Docker Trusted Build service.
docker pull brightcommerce/ubuntu:14.04.20140911
Alternately you can build the image yourself:
git clone
cd docker-ubuntu
docker build -t="$USER/ubuntu" .
This repository was based on the work of docker-ubuntu by Sameer Naik.