API Docs

These docs might be obsolete, please check out our newer API docs here.

There is a Postman collection available here which is gradually being expanded.


API requests should be authenticated using an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token in the Authorization header. To see a sample app that obtains the OAuth token and uses it to call the API, click here.

How to ....

Upload a new asset

Get updated assets

Synchonize Asset Bank from external system e.g. PIM


URL Name Methods allowed
rootUrl GET
/access-levels/{id}/image GET, PUT, DELETE
/access-level-search GET
/access-levels GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
/checkout GET, PUT
/assets/{id}/content GET, PUT
/assets/{id}/conversion GET
/asset-search GET
/assets POST
/assets/{id} GET, PUT, DELETE
/asset-types GET
/asset-types/{id} GET
/assets/{id}/approve POST
/attributes GET
/list-attribute-values GET, POST
/list-attribute-values/{id} GET
/authenticated-user GET
/categories GET
/categories/{id} GET
/category-search GET
/display-attribute-group GET
/display-attribute-group/{id} GET
/embedded-data-mappings GET
/embedded-data-mappings/{id} GET
/keywords GET
/keywords/{id} GET
/users/{id}/lightboxes GET, POST
/users/{id}/lightboxes/{id} GET, POST, DELETE
/pending-upload-approvals GET
/assets/{id}/content-save-status GET
/publishing-actions POST
/publishing-actions/{id} GET
/publishing-actions/{id}/log GET
/temp-chunked-files POST
/temp-chunked-files/{id} GET, DELETE
/temp-chunked-files/{id}/{number} PUT
/sign-url POST
/user-search GET
/users/{id} GET, PUT