
Rails new with optional default configurations

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Octolauncher Rails Template 🐙🚀

Generate a new rails app with optional default Bright Octopus configurations using this Rails Template.

Getting started

Requirements 🔧

You need to the following dependencies:

  • Ruby 2.5 or higher
  • bundler - gem install bundler
  • rails 6 - gem install rails
  • Yarn - brew install yarn or Install Yarn

Use 💻

rails new myapp -d postgresql -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brightoctopus/octolauncher/master/template.rb

or git clone git@github.com:brightoctopus/octolauncher.git and use it locally:

rails new myapp -d postgresql -m template.rb

Included 📦

After you run Rails new, you can chose to create the new app with the default configurations or opt out of 1 or more of the following:

  • Devise
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Sidekiq
  • Rspec
  • Bullet
  • Mailcatcher

Devise 👩🏾‍💻

Creates a User model with a first_name and a last_name and adds a navbar with the sign in/sign up/sign out links, plus an avatar with a dropdown.

Tailwind CSS 🎨

Includes out of the box all of the necessary setup to get started using Tailwind CSS.

Sidekiq 👩‍🎤

Setup up Sidekiq and redis for background job processing.

RSpec 🔧

Installs RSpec for testing and brakeman and bundle_autdit for static analysis. It also includes some opinionated configurations and helpers which are autoloaded in spec/support.

It also installs:

  • Capybara
  • Selenium-webdriver and Webdrivers
  • Factory Bot
  • Rails Controller Testing
  • Rspec Collection Matchers
  • Shoulda Matcher
  • Simplecov

Bullet 🚨

Configures Bullet to watch N+1 queries in development.

Mailcatcher 📬

Installs the Mailcatcher gem locally to receive mailers in development.

Run mailcatcher from the terminal to start an SMTP server in your machine and open in the browser for a cool inbox view.

Other 🛠

Adds a layout helper for the title which automatically assigns meta tags as well:

<h1><%= title content: 'Home' %></h1>

This will piped through the meta_tags helper which will use the title and the product name to create the respective meta tag.

It is possible to set the title without the product name:

<h1><%= title content: 'Home', product_name: false %></h1>

The meta_tags get their default configuration from config/meta.yml.