
Practice experimental things with React


Playground to practice and hone various things around React ecosystem.

Promising List of Contents

  1. Dev environment setting: webpack version 4, SCSS, CSS Moudle, Autoprefixer
  2. Responsive grid system with CSS Grid: apply BEM
  3. Toast
  4. Fixed Navigation and Footer
  5. Moving & Merging Navigation(flexible navigation)
  6. Beautiful option selector, input, textarea
  7. Collapsing menu
  8. Customizing video player(might need a backend)
  9. Drag and drop like react-dnd by Dan Abramov
  10. Canvas play
  11. Play with RxJS: get soaked into Functional Reactive Programming
  12. Play with Next.js to support server-side rendering
  13. Play with React +16 functionalities: Context API, componentDidCatch, etc.
  14. Play with redux + redux-saga + reselect: figure out how reselect works with redux and feel the degree of optimazation
  15. ...name it!

Each content is managed and can be accessed by its own folder of which name is after its contents title.