This project demonstrates how to provision analytics workspaces on Azure using several technologies:
- Python Azure API
- Docker Images
- Azure Container Instances
- Azure Container Registry
- Azure Functions
- Begin with an http request to a function app
- The function app starts a container instance for a specific docker image
- The Docker image has the python code to create new resources in Azure such as
- Storage Blobs
- Active Directory Users and Groups
- Databricks Cluster
- Permission for access
This setup will deploy the core infrastructure needed to run the the solution. There are two phases:
- Phase 1: Core infrastructure
- Resource Group
- Container Registry
- Service Principal - (Permission to Read from Docker Registry)
- Function App
- Phase 2: Container
- Docker Image
- Container Instance
Resource Group
Create a resource group for this project
az group create --name provisionAnalyticsWorkspaces --location eastus
Container Repository
Create a Private Docker Container Reposity in Azure
az acr create --resource-group provisionAnalyticsWorkspaces --name pawContainerRegistry --sku Basic
Take note of loginServer
in the output, which is the fully qualified registry name (all lowercase). Throughout the rest of this document <registry-name>
is a placeholder for the container registry name, and <login-server>
is a placeholder for the registry's login server name.
Service Principal
Create a Service Principal on Azure (Pull Images).
The solution uses a service principal to pull images from the Private Docker Repository created
Create the service principal and save the secrets
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name sp_paw_test_container_repo --skip-assignment --sdk-auth > local-sp.json
Notice the username and password are saved to the file local-sp.json
Role assignment
Next we have to assign the Azure Container Registry Pull role-assignment to the new service principal
$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID = "<service_principal_clientId>"
$ACR_REGISTRY_NAME = "<registry_name>"
$ACR_REGISTRY_ID = az acr show --name $ACR_REGISTRY_NAME --query id --output tsv
# Create the role assignment
az role assignment create --assignee $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID --scope $ACR_REGISTRY_ID --role acrpull
# Show the role assignment
az role assignment list --assignee $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID
Function App
This Azure Functions is the trigger to start the container. The function app is created using the Consumption plan, which is ideal for event-driven serverless workloads. The function uses a managed identity to start the container instance. The managed identity will use a custom role to start the container.
# Create the Custom role
az role definition create --role-definition docs/custom-role.json
# The function app needs a storage account.
az storage account create --name pawstorage4112 --location eastus --resource-group provisionAnalyticsWorkspaces --sku Standard_LRS
az functionapp create --name pawfunctionApp --storage-account pawstorage4112 --consumption-plan-location eastus --resource-group provisionAnalyticsWorkspaces --os-type linux --runtime python --runtime-version 3.7 --functions-version 2
az functionapp identity assign --name pawfunctionApp --resource-group provisionAnalyticsWorkspaces --role Container Instance Operator --scope /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/provisionAnalyticsWorkspaces
See the Development section for steps to
- Build and deploy the docker image
- Deploy a container instance
Setup your dev environment by creating a virtual environment
# virtualenv \path\to\.venv -p path\to\specific_version_python.exe
python -m venv .venv
This project enforces quite strict PEP8 and PEP257 (Docstring Conventions) compliance on all code submitted.
We use Black for uncompromised code formatting.
Summary of the most relevant points:
- Comments should be full sentences and end with a period.
- Imports should be ordered.
- Constants and the content of lists and dictionaries should be in alphabetical order.
- It is advisable to adjust IDE or editor settings to match those requirements.
Instead of ordering the imports manually, use isort.
pip3 install isort
isort -rc .
Prefer f-strings over %
or str.format
f"{some_value} {some_other_value}"
# Old, wrong
"{} {}".format("New", "style")
"%s %s" % ("Old", "style")
One exception is for logging which uses the percentage formatting. This is to avoid formatting the log message when it is suppressed."Can't connect to the webservice %s at %s", string1, string2)
You'll need to install the test dependencies into your Python environment:
pip3 install -r requirements_dev.txt
Now that you have all test dependencies installed, you can run tests on the project:
isort .
codespell --skip="./.*,*.csv,*.json,*.pyc,./docs/_build/*,./htmlcov/*"
black script
flake8 script
pylint script
pydocstyle script
Build and run your image.
Run Docker Image locally
> docker build --pull --rm -f "dockerfile" -t provisionanalyticsworkspaces:latest "."
> docker run --rm -it provisionanalyticsworkspaces:latest
# Run interactive with environment variables
> docker run --rm -it --env-file local.env provisionanalyticsworkspaces:latest
#If you want to see STDOUT use
> docker run --rm -a STDOUT provisionanalyticsworkspaces:latest
Tag for remote registry
docker tag provisionanalyticsworkspaces:latest $
az acr login --name $ACR_REGISTRY_NAME
docker push $
Deploy Container Instance
Run the new image on Azure Container Instance
Copy the file deploy-aci-example.yaml as deploy-aci.yaml
Edit the file deploy-aci.yaml and update with the correct values:
- image: the full name of the image
- username: the service principal clientId
- password: the service principal clientSecret
az container create --resource-group provisionAnalyticsWorkspaces --file deploy-aci.yaml
Publish the function app from command line or with the VSCode extension.
Copy the local.settings.example.json
to local.settings.json
and replace the palceholder with the correct values:
cd /path/to/project/functions
func azure functionapp publish pawfunctionApp
- No module found.
- Be sure to run in a virtual environment
- No module named azure.cli
- Create Container Registry
- Create Azure Container Instance
- Create Azure Functions
- Function Managed Identities
- Azure Resource Provider Operations - Container Instance
- Azure Custom Roles
- Python Client Library - ADLSv2$web/python/azure-storage-file-datalake/12.2.2/index.html
- Sample Container Code