
The weatherbit integration adds support for the weatherbit.io web service as a source for meteorological data for your location.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

// weatherbit

GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases) hacs_badge


Issue #91 might not get fixed, leaving the Integration unusable as of 2024.3. It is too complicated to maintain this integration due to the low number of calls per day, so testing changes is very difficult as I quickly run out of calls, making me wait until the next day, to be able to continue. I strongly suggest people to find another Weather Integration, and there are many great ones out there. If anyone wants to continue developing this, feel free to fork the integration.


The weatherbit integration adds support for the weatherbit.io web service as a source for meteorological data for your location.

The integration only supports the Free Tier API from Weatherbit and as such is limited in what data we can bring. The Free Tier has a maximum of 50 calls per day.

There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant:

  • Weather
    • One Weather Entity will be created showing Day Based forecast for the next 16 days
  • Sensor
    • A whole range of individual sensors will be available. for a complete list of the sensors, see the list below.


HACS Installation

This Integration is part of the default HACS store, so search for Weatherbit in HACS.

Manual Installation

To add Weatherbit to your installation, create this folder structure in your /config directory:

custom_components/weatherbit. Then, drop the following files into that folder:

translation (Directory with all files)


The Weatherbit weather service is free under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Generic License.

To add Weatherbit to your installation, do the following:

  • Go to Configuration and Integrations
  • Click the + ADD INTEGRATION button in the lower right corner.
  • Search for Weatherbit and click the integration.
  • When loaded, there will be a configuration box, where you have to enter your API Key and Latitude, Longitude to get access to your data. When entered click Submit and the Integration will load all the entities. Latitude and Longitude are pre-filled with the location you entered in Home Assistant.

If you want to change the update frequencies for the sensor data and forecast data, or select a different language for the Forecast Text, this can be done by clicking CONFIGURE in the lower left corner of the Weatherbit integration..

You can configure more than 1 instance of the Integration by using a different Latitude/Longitude. Just remember to adjust the update frequencies due to the limits on the Free Tier.

API Key for Weatherbit

This integration requires an API Key that can be retrieved for free from the Weatherbit Webpage. Please go here to apply for your personal key. This key allows you to make 50 calls pr. day. With the default update frequencies this means that you have used 48 calls per day. So if you want to have more than 1 location, you will need to make less frequent updates per location.

Configuration Variables

  • API Key: (required) A Personal API Key retrieved from WeatherBit (See above).
  • Latitude: (required) Latitude of the location needing data from. (Default Latitude from Home Assistant).
  • Longitude: (required) Longitude of the location needing data from. (Default Longitude from Home Assistant).
  • Update Interval: (optional) Interval in minutes between sensor updates (Default 60 min).
  • Forecast Interval: (optional) Interval between in minutes forecast updates (Default 60 min).
  • Forecast Language: (optional) The language for the forecast text strings returned from Weatherbit. (Default English).

Available Sensors

Here is the list of sensors that the program generates. Calculated Sensor means, if No, then data comes directly from the Weatherbit, if yes, it is a sensor that is derived from some of the other sensors.

All entities are prefixed with weatherbit_ and names are prefixed with Weatherbit

Sensor ID Name Description Calculated Sensor
air_quality_index Air Quality Index Air Quality Index [US - EPA standard 0 - +500] No
air_temperature Air Temperature Outside Temperature No
apparent_temperature Apparent Temperature The apparent temperature, a mix of Heat Index and Wind Chill No
beaufort Beaufort Scale Beaufort scale is an empirical measure that relates wind speed to observed conditions at sea or on land Yes
beaufort_description Beaufort Description A descriptive text for the current Beaufort level. Yes
cloud_coverage Cloud Coverage Cloud coverage (%). No
dew_point Dew Point Dewpoint in degrees No
forecast_day_1..7 Forecast Day 1..7 Seven sensors holding the Forecast for the next 7 days. Details for the day is in the attributes No
observation_time Observation Time Last update time of the data from the station. No
precipitation Rain Rate How much is it raining right now No
relative_humidity Humidity Relative Humidity No
sealevel_pressure Sea Level Pressure Preasure measurement at Sea Level No
snow Snow Rate How much is it snowing right now No
solar_radiation Solar Radiation Electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun No
station_pressure Station Pressure Pressure measurement where the station is located No
uv_index UV Index The UV index No
uv_description UV Description A descriptive text for the current UV index Yes
visibility Visibility Distance to the horizon No
weather_alerts Weather Alerts Number of Alerts for the location. More details are found in the Attributes of that sensor if there are any alerts. No
weather_description Current Condition The current condition in the selected Forecast Language No
wind_cardinal Wind Cardinal Current measured Wind bearing as text Yes
wind_direction Wind Direction Current measured Wind bearing in degrees No
wind_speed Wind Speed Current measured Wind Speed in Home Assistant units No
wind_speed_km_h Wind Speed (km/h) Current measured Wind Speed in km/h No
wind_speed_knots Wind Speed (knots) Current measured Wind Speed in knots No

Available Weather Entities

Here is the list of Weather Entities that the program generates. With the exception of the condition state and the icon, the values for the current condition are equal to the Sensor values, so the Weather entity displayes realtime values and the forecast for either the next days or the next hours. Both entities are installed.

Note There has been some recent changes in the units chosen for the Weather Entity, especially for metric users. Pressure units now default to Pa so you will see a value of 100.000 for a hPa/Mb value of 1000. Also Wind Speed is now reported as m/s, where it was previously km/h. This is outside the influence of this Integration.

Sensor ID Name Description
weatherbit Weatherbit A weather entity with Forecast for today and the next 15 days

Enable Debug Logging

If logs are needed for debugging or reporting an issue, use the following configuration.yaml:

  default: error
    custom_components.weatherbit: debug

Contribute to the Project and developing with a Devcontainer


  1. Fork and clone the repository.
  2. Open in VSCode and choose to open in devcontainer. Must have VSCode devcontainer prerequisites.
  3. Run the command container start from VSCode terminal
  4. A fresh Home Assistant test instance will install and will eventually be running on port 9126 with this integration running
  5. When the container is running, go to http://localhost:9126 and the add WeatherFlow Weather from the Integration Page.


There are some sensors in this integration that provides a text as state which is not covered by the core Frontend translation. Example: sensor.weatherbit_beaufort_description, sensor.weatherbit_uv_description and sensor.weatherbit_wind_cardinal.

As default the text in the Frontend is displayed in english if your language is not present in this integration, but if you want to help translate these texts in to a new language, please do the following:

  • Go to the translations directory under custom_components/weatherbit and copy the file sensor.en.json to sensor.YOUR_LANGUAGE_CODE.json in a directory on your computer.
  • Edit the file and change all the descriptions to your language.
  • Make a Pull request in this Github and attach your new file.

The same procedure applies for the Configuration flow, follow the above procedure, just copy en.json to YOUR_LANGUAGE_CODE.json.