📝 A medium like Rich Text Editor built on draft-js with a focus on keyboard shortcuts.
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Video support feature
#173 opened by thuyiya - 1
Typescript Version
#225 opened by iamgabrielsoft - 2
Set style for Image
#224 opened by KhaMinhVLU-2017 - 1
How to add style BLOCK_BUTTONS
#223 opened by baxa29102001 - 3
My app crash
#222 opened by baxa29102001 - 1
- 4
Is this maintained anymore? Possible outdated draftjs causing block is not a BlockNode error
#213 opened by StarAzure - 1
- 0
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How to delete the image (from database) after using backspace in editor?
#202 opened by abhishekjalan87 - 1
How to resize the image once added to the editor?
#207 opened by bmknaidu555 - 1
Typescript support
#192 opened by enaluz - 1
Uncaught TypeError: props.getEditorState is not a function while using the separatorButton
#186 opened by BlastWind - 1
5 high vulnerabilities
#201 opened by alelizalde - 2
Is this library compatible with React Native?
#191 opened by suraneti - 1
Update Draft.js from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0
#184 opened by koistya - 0
How can I close the floating styles-widget when clicking outside editable area?
#200 opened by kindmind - 0
Warning in the developer tools
#198 opened by lavaldi - 0
How to get onChange value?
#180 opened by kaloraat - 0
ToolbarComponent prop implemented?
#189 opened by MagRelo - 1
regarding images uploaded via editor
#188 opened by hiranvikas77 - 1
ReadMe needs update
#187 opened by timothy - 0
Disable certain special characters
#182 opened by joelaguero - 1
How to git clone beta version ?
#179 opened by michalko - 2
Could Not Select Multi Images
#176 opened by sangvu - 0
Opening toolbar scrolls page to top (IE11)
#178 opened by MikhailStrelnikov - 1
Side button get disappear when it clicks
#171 opened by thuyiya - 7
Error 'addons' undefined
#143 opened by johnandblue - 4
Toolbar button icon is not working
#172 opened by janaka120 - 6
How to catch toolbar button click
#169 opened by janaka120 - 1
Move away from embedly?
#165 opened by kwayebopp - 1
Possible to have a inline comment feature?
#164 opened by reeversedev - 2
Get medium draft html with inline css?
#163 opened by truongthanhtungitvn - 5
Support: Markdown
#147 opened by tomzaku - 1
Impossible to create sms and tel links
#162 opened by mullwaden - 0
Linebreak in the toolbar in IE11
#161 opened by mullwaden - 3
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Automatically add a new block after image upload
#156 opened by gabeamaleoni - 2
Customizing the toolbar
#157 opened by oreodunno - 9
Using Block.ATOMIC is broken
#140 opened by Ethaan - 3
[request]: Fixed toolbar
#149 opened by nthgol - 1
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Add hyperlink in IE11 or Firefox requires two clicks
#139 opened by icaaq - 0
Adding hyperlink makes toolbar change position to cursor position on IE11 & Firefox
#146 opened by karlsandin - 1
#151 opened by Katyadelarosa - 1
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Support latest React version
#145 opened by jerryzhao0423 - 2
image missing when Loading HTML exported using medium-draft-exporter to editorState
#144 opened by luohaisi - 3
Does this module support to write code?
#142 opened by minhnhatspk