
This is a placeholder repository for IRE Major Project for Team 11

Primary LanguageJava


SourceCode/RankingComparisonWeb: UI control and search functions

  • QueryRest.java: This class declares a REST API interface. Its acts like a middle layer for UI and core Ranking Algorithms.

SourceCode/RankingAlgoComparison: Tf-idf generation & Query module, Pagerank Query module, Lucene

  • CalculateScore.java: Computes the score over the sorted TF-IDF index
  • CorpusSplitter.java: Util class to split the wikipedia corpus into documents for consumption by Lucene
  • DocumentAttributes.java: This is a POJO class to hold document attributes
  • DocumentMapperSecondaryIndexer.java: This class creates secondary index for document title map
  • DocumentScore.java: POJO class to hold document title, score pairs
  • DocumentTitleMapper.java: Util classes for setting getting titles based on document ID
  • ExternalSort.java: Util class to join & sort the document posting list externally from seperate chunked files
  • Index.java: Main file to run indexing
  • MutableInt.java: Integer class for self-incrementing functions
  • PageRankDocumentMapper.java: Document title mapper for Pagerank index
  • PageRankPosting.java: POJO to hold pagerank postings
  • PageRankQuery.java: Main class to handle pagerank queries
  • Parser.java: Util class for running SAX parser over wikipedia corpus
  • Posting.java: POJO to hold posting list for TF-IDF module
  • QueryCache.java: Cache class to hold about 500 posting results
  • Query.java: Main class to run queries over TF-IDF index
  • Search.java: Util class to run binary search over seconday indexes
  • Stemmer.java: Ported stemmer class
  • StringSizeEstimator.java: Util class for external sort
  • Test.java: Util class for test
  • Util.java: Util class for text processing, and vocabulary reading, dumping index to chunked files, etc.
  • WordFrequencyCounter.java: Util to count frequency of words in a text and returning a structured format
  • Word.java: POJO to hold a word along with its frequency

SourceCode/LuceneTest: Module for Lucene Query testing

  • LuceneSearch.java: Query class for Lucene index
  • LuceneSearchTest.java: Test class for LuceneSearch.java

SourceCode/PageRank: PageRank generation

  • ComputeRank.java: Computes pagerank value from the outlinks and inlinks file
  • ExtMergeSort.java: Generic module to perform external merge sort
  • Links.java: Calculates the number of outlinks and there by generates number of inlinks of a particular doc
  • LoadinMemory: for loading an intermediate file into memory
  • SAXHandler: SAX handlers to parse xml
  • SecondaryIndex.java: generates secondary indices
  • SortPageRank.java: Sorting final posting list based on pagerank
  • TitleIndex.java: Main runnable class
  • TreeSort: sort pagerank values

Prerequisites for running the application:

A. TF-IDF module needs:

  1. index.txt - primary tf-idf index
  2. sindex.txt - secondary index
  3. conf.txt - tells the collection size
  4. docIdTitleMap.txt - primary document-title map
  5. sDocMap.txt - secondary document-title map

B. PageRank module needs:

  1. index.txt - primary pagerank index
  2. sindex.txt - secondary pagerank index
  3. docIdTitleMap.txt - primary document-title map
  4. sDocMap.txt - secondary document-title map

C. Lucene module needs:

  1. Lucene index directory as input

D. RankingComparisonWeb can be run on Apache Tomcat 7 server.

Check out the video here! Check out the slideshow here!