
Welcome to SheetsLinker! A tool that links a Tkinter GUI with a Google Sheets page, allowing you to fill in each row one by one. Built to allow me to easily keep track of internships that I apply to.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo to your local machine.
  2. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Go to Google Cloud Platform and create a project.
  4. Enable Google Drive and Google Sheets API for that project.
  5. Create a service account and move your client_secret.json file in the config folder.
  6. Add the service account as an editor on your Sheets page.
  7. Run pyinstaller --onefile --hidden-import babel.numbers to generate an executable. (and copy your config folder over to the dist folder)
  8. Open the app in the dist folder, it should now be linked to your Google Sheets!


  • Automatically keeps track of the current row that you're at after each session.
  • Auto-completion for positions that are most commonly used.
  • Automatically fills in your Google Sheets based on what you input.


MIT License (c) 2021 Brian Lam