
A pure python, thread-safe, minimalistic and pythonic RabbitMQ client library

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

rabbitpy - rabbitmq simplified

A pure python, thread-safe, minimalistic and pythonic BSD Licensed AMQP/RabbitMQ library that supports Python 2.6+ and Python 3.2+. rabbitpy aims to provide a simple and easy to use API for interfacing with RabbitMQ, minimizing the programming overhead often found in other libraries.

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rabbitpy may be installed via the Python package index with the tool of your choice. I prefer pip:

pip install rabbitpy

But there's always easy_install:

easy_install rabbitpy

rmqid Compatibility

rabbitpy is API compatible with rmqid.




Simple Examples

The simple methods provide quick and easy access for one-off actions with rabbitpy. In addition to the simple methods, there is extensive support for all RabbitMQ actions using the rabbitpy object methods.

Simple Publisher

The simple publisher is ideal for sending one off messages:

>>> rabbitpy.publish('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f',
                     body='This is my test message')

If you want to add properties:

>>> rabbitpy.publish('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f',
                     body='This is my test message',
                     properties={'content_type': 'text/plain'})

And publisher confirms:

>>> rabbitpy.publish('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f',
                     body='This is my test message',
                     properties={'content_type': 'text/plain'},

Simple Getter

>>> m = rabbitpy.get('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f', 'test')
>>> m.json()
{u'foo': u'bar'}

Simple Consumer

>>> for message in rabbitpy.consume('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/%2f', 'example', no_ack=True):
...     message.pprint(properties=True)
Exchange: amq.topic

Routing Key: example


{'app_id': '',
 'cluster_id': '',
 'content_encoding': '',
 'content_type': '',
 'correlation_id': '',
 'delivery_mode': None,
 'expiration': '',
 'headers': None,
 'message_id': 'b191f7f4-4e9d-4420-b18a-2ac8783ab3c5',
 'message_type': '',
 'priority': None,
 'reply_to': '',
 'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 18, 21, 48, 5),
 'user_id': ''}


'This is my test message'

RabbitMQ Objects

In addition, the API offers support for more complex coding using objects that represent either the AMQ Model or RabbitMQ concepts. These include:

  • Connections
  • Channels
  • Exchanges
  • Messsages
  • Policies [@TODO]
  • Queues
  • Transactions
  • Users [@TODO]
  • Virtual Hosts [ @TODO]

More complex examples and the rabbitpy API documentation are available at https://rabbitpy.readthedocs.org

Version History

  • 0.15.1: Fix an issue with Python 3 IO write trigger (#18)
  • 0.15.0: Change default durability for Exchange and Queue to False, Fix a SSL connection issue
  • 0.14.2: Fix an issue when IPv6 is the default protocol for the box rabbitpy is being used on
  • 0.14.1: Assign queue name for RabbitMQ named queues in rabbitpy.Queue.declare
  • 0.14.0: Add support for authentication_failure_close and consumer priorities, Exception cleanup, Queue consuming via Queue.__iter__, Queue & Exchange attributes are no longer private, Tx objects can be used as a context manager, and experimental support for Windows.
  • 0.13.0: Validate heartbeat is always an integer, add arguments to Queue for expires, message-ttl, max-length, & dead-lettering
  • 0.12.3: Minor Message.pprint() reformatting
  • 0.12.2: Add Exchange and Routing Key to Message.pprint, check for empty method frames in Channel._create_message
  • 0.12.1: Fix exception with pika.exceptions.AMQP
  • 0.12.0: Updated simple consumer to potential one-liner, added rabbitpy.Message.pprint()
  • 0.11.0: Major bugfix focused on receiving multiple AMQP frames at the same time. Add auto-coersion of property data-types.
  • 0.10.0: Rewrite of IO layer yielding improved performance and reduction of CPU usage, bugfixes
  • 0.9.0: Major performance improvements, CPU usage reduction, minor bug-fixes
  • 0.8.0: Major bugfixes, IPv6 support
  • 0.7.0: Bugfixes and code cleanup. Most notable fix around Basic.Return and recursion in Channel._wait_on_frame.
  • 0.6.0: Bugfix with Queue.get(), RPC requests expecting multiple responses and the new Queue.consume_messages() method.
  • 0.5.1: Installer/setup fix
  • 0.5.0: Bugfix release including low level socket sending fix and connection timeouts.