
A 3D, parallel implementation of the implicit wave solver.

Primary LanguageC

Method Of Lines Transpose (MOLT) : Single and Threaded Implementation

This project aims to create a truly parallel implementation of MOLT, researched by Matthew Causley, Andrew Christlieb, et al.


When I started this thesis, no one had yet taken the Method of Lines Transpose (MOLT) and implemented it in anything other than Matlab, or in parallel. All of the mathematics had come together to show off that the algorithm devised in that paper should be embarrassingly parallel; however, it hadn't been proven.

That's what this project set out to do: implement the MOLT algorithm in parallel, and prove the theory.

Among other things, the Kettering Undergraduate Thesis project is supposed to show off what an engineer can accomplish in a single 12 week period (the length of a single co-op term). I've taken WAY more time than that, and I hope the features and thought that went into this shows, and is a half decent demonstration of my skills as a software engineer.


Easy Setup

sudo apt install build-essential
git clone https://github.com/brimonk/molt.git
cd molt/


If you plan to use the CPU only functionality, single-threaded or multi-threaded, you can get by with just these:

  • gcc
  • GNU Make

If you need access to the CUDA build, you'll have to install the CUDA toolkit for your platform. You can find more information here.


Implementation Details

When using / analyzing the main program (everything that starts with main()), you might see something you don't quite recognize.

Config File

Every run of the main, simulation program expects to have a handful of values dictated in a config file. The included config file default.cfg includes some documentation; however, it's more clearly laid out here.

Dimension Settings

Each simulation needs to know the dimensionality of the simulation it's running. This is defined with integral numbers, between 1 - 2^^32 - 1. The values that define problem dimensionality are:

  • X (Spacial) Values
    • x_start
    • x_stop
    • x_step
  • Y (Spacial) Values
    • y_start
    • y_stop
    • y_step
  • Z (Spacial) Values
    • z_start
    • z_stop
    • z_step
  • T (Temporal) Values
    • z_sart
    • z_sop
    • z_sep

So, to create a mesh 100x100x100, we would have config file entries as follows:

x_start:    0
x_stop :  100
x_step :    1

y_start:    0
y_stop :  100
y_step :    1

z_start:    0
z_stop :  100
z_step :    1

However, to be clear, this dimentionality definition doesn't have any bearing in the real world. To scale this to the real world, we need to scale the integral dimentions to a float point scale. This can be done with scale_space.

So, to make our 100x100x100 cube into a 1cmx1cmx1cm cube, we can enter the value:

scale_space: 1e-2

And that's it. Similarly, we can enter values for time (t_*), and scale_time, and get a similar mapping.

Simulation Setup

To avoid modifying the core of the simulation program, a user can, optionally, write a custom program that reads a spacial coordinate from stdin (X,Y,Z), and writes the corresponding charge on a single line to stdout.

There are two commands that facilitate this: initvel and initamp. initvel initializes the velocity of the wave in 3d, and initamp initializes the amplitude of the wave, also in 3d. The 'main' program (molt) achieves this with a bi-directional pipe, and threads to ensure the read and write ends of the pipe are always being handled.

Writing a program that takes a single argument (--vel, and --amp) for velocity and amplitude can be used in the following way:

# initial velocity command
initvel: experiments/test --vel

# initial amplitude command
initamp: experiments/test --amp

And at startup, the program will call those (other) programs with the command line given, and the simulation will be initialized.

Core MOLT Implementation Library

While there are multiple implementations of the core MOLT algorithm in the source (single-threaded CPU, multi-threaded CPU, multi-threaded GPU), only the single-threaded CPU implementation is included in the molt binary. To use another implementation, you must declare that you are using it in the config file. This is done with the library config value. Referencing the library is done from the current working directory. This can be done with the following:

# Linux / Unix
library: ./moltthreaded.so

# Win32
library: moltcuda.dll

Tensor Transposition

At this point you should know the data the program operates on is a 3d tensor. In the beginning, the tensor's data is organized in X, Y, Z. However, to avoid numerical error leaning in a particular dimension, we perform the MOLT on different spacial dimensions of the tensor.

The common operation then looks like this:

f64 *data;

molt_sweep(data, 'X');
molt_sweep(data, 'Y');
molt_sweep(data, 'Z');

// ... etc

In Matlab, this sweeping is achieved by pulling single vectors of the matrix out one dimension at a time, and operating on them. However, there is no way to communicate to Matlab how a Matlab script intends to use a tensor. It can only be assumed that fetching a specific vector for all Xs for a certain Y / Z for instance, is achieved by pulling specific values from a tensor where the Y and Z condition is met.

In Matlab:

xVector = data(:,4,4);

However, because the implementation is supposed to be fast by design, we can make a pretty big optimization.

Instead of copying values from a larger tensor into a working array, and stuffing them back in, we can reorganize the data to optimize for the access pattern.

Assume I have a 3x3 Matrix. In an array, we'll use the index to seed the matrix value like so:

f32 *data = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };

We can access the data in this "one dimensional" array using this:

#define IDX2D(x, y, ylen)          ((x) + (y) * (ylen))

To give us the ability to treat the 1d array as a 2d array, or a matrix.


f32 first = data[0];
f32 alsoFirst = data[IDX2D(0, 0, 3)];

// IDX2D expands to ((0) + (0) * (3)) => 0

f32 middle = data[4];
f32 alsoMiddle = data[IDX2D(1, 1, 3)];

// IDX2D expands to ((1) + (1) * (3)) => 4

Keeping our access patterns tied to the known dimensionality of the "matrix", we can, with a careful access pattern, get a logical matrix:

0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8

The matrix above assumes an X major ordering. Assume that we instead want to operate on Y ordered data. By transposing the matrix above into this:

0 3 6
1 4 7
2 5 8

The in-memory array becomes:

f32 *data = { 0, 3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8 };

The MOLT algorithm actually requires vectors for all X, Y, and Z at different times. Using the defined macros IDX2D (above) and IDX3D:

#define IDX3D(x, y, z, ylen, zlen) ((x) + (y) * (ylen) + (z) * (zlen) * (ylen))

We can operate on all of the Xs, as an example:

int y, z;

for (y = 0; y < ylen; y++) {
	for (z = 0; z < zlen; z++) {
		int idx = IDX3D(0, y, z, ylen, zlen);
		f32 *ptr = data + idx;
		// ptr now points to element 0 of your X ordered matrix

File Format