
Github mirroring utility

Primary LanguageGoGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Mirror github repos locally. Also, add hooks to any github repo you've starred.


Basic, simple usage is just setting the TOKEN environment variable to a personal github token and running the program:

TOKEN=12345abc ./github-mirror

Advanced usage is specifying a config file in YAML, JSON, or TOML format and calling github mirror without arguments. An example config file is in config.example.yaml.


  • token: This is a personal token from github
  • loglevel: This is how much to log to stdout. 0 means only errors, 2 means a lot of debug information.
  • basepath: This is the root directory to mirror repos.
  • added, changed, removed: These are a map of keys being partial or complete repo names and values being the command to run when that repo changes. The longest prefix has priority. In the example config file, any of the repos for the brimstone user will cause the ./build script to be run, and any other repo will cause the ./notify script to be run. Environment variables REPO and BRANCH are set.
  • added: This happens with a new repo or branch is found starred or under the user's control. When there's a new repo, the BRANCH variable is set, but empty.
  • changed: This happens when a branch to a repo points to a different reference than before.
  • removed: This happens when a branch in a repo is removed.


  • Make removed trigger when a repo is unstarred or removed.
  • Make changed and added also have a REF variable pointing to the gitish. Changed might want some sort of OLD_REF as well.
  • Support a url instead of a command, detect with the http prefix. The format for this POST should be the same as the github webhook.
  • Make the map for added, changed and removed support a single key string as well as an array of commands or urls.