Tiny Presto cluster to check the compatibility of query result by using the specific Presto version.
$ gem install tiny-presto
tiny-presto uses Docker to run single node Presto cluster. Please ensure to install the Docker engine properly in advance.
You can run the query easily as follows.
rows = TinyPresto.run('show schemas')
# => [["default"], ["information_schema"]]
As tiny-presto uses the memory connector as default, it is also possible to create a table.
TinyPresto.run("create table ctas1 as select * from (values (1, 'a'), (2, 'b')) t(c1, c2)")
rows = TinyPresto.run("select * from ctas1")
# => [[1, 'a'], [2, 'b']]
To check the result consistency, verify
method is available.
result = TinyPresto.verify('show schemas', [["default"], ["information_schema"]])
# result is true if the returned value by the query matched with the given expected result.
To ensure to delete the tiny-presto cluster, make sure to call ensure_stop
before exiting.