
Stop your fonts from being fingerprinted. Protect your privacy by only using white-listed fonts.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Font Privacy for Chrome

Stop your fonts from being fingerprinted or interrogated. Protect your privacy by only using white-listed fonts.

Why ?

Your list of fonts can help identify your browser and allows you to be tracked. See https://panopticlick.eff.org

By adding elements to the page with different fonts and then measuring the width on the page, a website can use JavaScript to identify which fonts you have. This plugin is an attempt to minimise tracking without blocking all javascript.

This plugin enforces a whitelist of font-familys on DOM elements modified using:

  • CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty
  • CSSStyleDeclaration.fontFamily
  • CSSStyleDeclaration.cssText
  • Element.setAttribute
  • Element.innerHTML
  • Element.outerHTML
  • Node.appendChild

There are still some ways around it, but this is super-effective for the current fingerprinting libraries.


The whitelist contains the array commonFonts and any webfonts downloaded by the page. You can modify the array to appear as a different system, although the fonts must actually exist on your system for them to be identified by the tracker.


I'm not in the mood to pay Google the $5 for Chrome Web Store registration today so for now we will use an unpacked extension.

  1. Clone the repo somewhere git clone https://github.com/bcaller/font-privacy-chrome.git
  2. Go to chrome://extensions
  3. Enable developer mode
  4. Click Load unpacked extension
  5. Select the font-privacy-chrome folder
  6. Also optionally check the box "Allow in incognito" next to the Font Privacy

Flash & Java

It is also recommended that you turn off Flash autorun to prevent your fonts from being fingerprinted more extensively. You will then need to right-click on a Flash element to load it. To do this go to Settings; Show advanced settings; Privacy; Content Settings; Plug-ins; Let me choose when to run plug-in content.


  • font as well as font-family
  • CanvasRenderingContext2D.font