HAProxy 1.6 with lua-sec
This image runs on Debian Jessie, and provides HAProxy from http://haproxy.debian.net/ with lua5.3 support and lua-sec.
You might run the container as follow:
$ docker run -v /opt/haproxy.cfg:haproxy.cfg -d camptocamp/haproxy-luasec
HAProxy configuration notes
Please ensure you don't have "daemon" option in haproxy configuration file, and that the "stats socket" actually exists.
If "daemon" is set in your configuration, the default CMD should start it in foreground, but it would be better to simply remove this directive.
If the stats socket is set to some non-existing location, HAProxy will refuse to start. Debian default configuration file will not allow HAProxy to start due to this setting pointing to /run/haproxy, which doesn't exist.