Neferpitool is a powerful tool that seamlessly integrates DNS and WHOIS protocols to automatically monitor domain name changes. By utilizing the faster and more unrestricted DNS protocol, Neferpitool is able to analyze the DNS records of all monitored domains and verify their status in real time. This enables the tool to quickly filter out domains that are not registered or are otherwise unavailable for WHOIS monitoring.
For the remaining registered domains, Neferpitool utilizes the more limited but highly accurate WHOIS protocol to extract critical information about the domain. This includes details such as the domain owner, registration date, and any recent changes to the domain's registration information.
By combining these two protocols, Neferpitool is able to provide comprehensive and highly accurate monitoring of domain names, giving users peace of mind that they will be alerted to any changes that could potentially impact their online presence.
In addition to its comprehensive domain name monitoring capabilities, Neferpitool can also be a valuable tool in the fight against phishing. Monitoring the registration information and status of all domains, including those that are recently registered or have recently changed ownership can be a critical early warning sign of a potential phishing attempt, allowing users to take proactive steps to protect themselves and their information.
Furthermore, Neferpitool is built with a user-friendly CLI interface that makes it easy to set up and manage domain monitoring. It also provides detailed reports and alerts via email to ensure that users are always up-to-date on the status of their monitored domains.
Overall, Neferpitool is a powerful and indispensable tool for anyone who wants to stay on top of their online presence and protect their valuable domain names.
- Generation and monitoring of domain variations (typo-domains)
- Identification and storage of changes regarding the status of typo-domains (status about DNS records and WHOIS info)
- Background monitoring with notification via email
- Configuration of scan and display parameters
git clone
cd neferpitool/cmd
go build
Make the config file
./cmd -mc
Add to monitoring or manage a domain with the interactive prompt
Run Neferpitool with the interactive prompt
Menage one specific typodomain with the interactive prompt
./cmd -td typodomain.example
Active monitoring in background
-it string -p string
Import Typos from file : -main domain -path of the file
Avtive logs on file
Make config file
Check if domains are present
-td string
Manage one typodomain
Configuration file fields
"TYPOSALGHORITM": List of typosquatting alghoritms
"EXPIRATIONTIME": Number of days remaining until the domain expires for which to be notified by email
"MAXATTEMPTSWHOIS": number of attempted WHOIS requests if there are failures
"MAXATTEMPTSSOA": number of attempted DNS requests if there are failures
"TIMETOSLEEPWHOIS": waiting time between requests
"TIMETOSLEEPSOA": waiting time between requests
"EMAIL": email used to send email
"EMAILTONOTIFY": [] emails that will receive the email
"SHOWSTATUS": [] Domains with states listed in this list will be displayed
"PATHRESOLVER": Path of DNS solver (resolv.conf)
"HOURSLEEPBACKGROUNDMONITORING": Waiting time between total scans in background mode
"CHECKRELIABILITYTIME": When scanning for typodomains fails or is unreliable this time is waited before rescanning
"REPORTFREQUENCY" [] List of Cron regex, indicates when to email the report, Model: cron.Second | cron.Minute | cron.Hour | cron.Dom | cron.Month | cron.Dow
Domain states
The state of typoddomains varies depending on the presence of the following DNS records:
UNKNOWN: in case of errors in DNS requests;
INACTIVE: SOA or NS record is present, this indicates that the typodomain is no longer available for purchase.
Depending on the presence of other records, the typodomain from INACTIVE may go into ALIAS or ACTIVE state;
ALIAS: if the CNAME record is present;
ACTIVE: if A, AAAA or MX records are present;
Typosquatting alghoritms
MD Missing Dot is created by omitting a dot from the domain.
MDS Missing Dashes is created by stripping all dashes from the domain.
CO Character Omission Omitting a character from the domain.
CS Character Swap Swapping two consecutive characters in a domain
ACS Adjacent Character Substitution replaces adjacent characters
ACI Adjacent Character Insertion inserts adjacent character
CR Character Repeat Repeats a character of the domain name twice
DCR Double Character Replacement repeats a character twice.
SD Strip Dashes is created by omitting a dash from the domain
SP Singular Pluralise creates a singular domain plural and vice versa
CM Common Misspellings are created from a dictionary of commonly misspelled words
VS Vowel Swapping is created by swaps vowels
HG Homoglyphs replaces characters with characters that look similar
WTLD Wrong Top Level Domain
W2TLD Wrong Second Level Domain
W3TLD Wrong Third Level Domain
HP Homophones Typos are created from sets of words that sound the same
BF Bitsquatting relies on random bit-errors to redirect connections
NS Numeral Swap numbers, words and vice versa
ALL Apply all typosquatting algorithms
TO DO Run in a docker container
Add to monitoring or manage a domain
docker build -t neferpitool .
DNS for testing