During testing, Swagger leaks are occasionally encountered. Common leaks are shown in the image: (Specific image of Swagger leak)
Some leaks involve numerous interfaces, and it's practically impossible to manually test each one. Therefore, I wrote a Python script to automatically crawl all interfaces, configure the parameters, and send packets for access.
The first version was only adapted for one version of Swagger. Significant differences exist between versions. Subsequent investigations covered many versions of Swagger, greatly enhancing the script's adaptability.
Optimizations include:
- Adaptation to multiple versions of Swagger
- Addition of multiprocessing
- Enhanced robustness of the program
- Improved console display and log file generation
Single link format: (Specific image of the single link format) File format: (Specific image of the file format)
Final result: (Specific image of the final result)
在测试中偶尔会碰到swagger泄露 常见的泄露如图: 有的泄露接口特别多,每一个都手动去试根本试不过来 于是用python写了个脚本自动爬取所有接口,配置好传参发包访问
- 适配多个版本swagger
- 添加多进程
- 增强了程序的健壮性
- 优化了控制台显示,生成日志文件