
A re-usable GitHub Actions CI workflow for verifying Rails apps

MIT LicenseMIT


This is a re-usable GitHub Actions workflow based on the post Building a Rails CI pipeline with GitHub Actions by Matt Swanson.

Blog Post: A GitHub Actions Rails CI Workflow in 5 lines

To use it, create a file in your repo at .github/workflows/verify.yml containing:

name: Verify
on: [push]

    uses: andyw8/setup-rails/.github/workflows/verify.yml@v1
    # uncomment to enable options:
    # with:
    #   brakeman: true
    #   bundler-audit: true
    #   rspec: true
    #   rubocop: true

Alternatively, you can install with RailsBytes:

rails app:template LOCATION="https://railsbytes.com/script/VMys8A"

If you're using a non-x86 machine for development (e.g. Apple M1), you'll need to update Gemfile.lock by running:

bundle lock --add-platform x86_64-linux

Here is an example app which uses this workflow.

Current Limitations

  • Assumes postgres, no support for mysql or other databases
  • Assumes yarn, no support for npm