B2 Assessments

Base repository for B2 assessments and diagnostics.

This repository requires and has been tested on Ruby v2.5.3 and is based on Rails 5.2.5

RSpec and Shoulda-Matchers have been installed and set up.


  1. fork this repo
  2. clone your fork
  3. git clone <paste_repo>
  4. cd b2-mid-mod
  5. bundle install


  • Work on this assessment independently. DO NOT discuss with anyone.
  • You are allowed to use any references including notes, Google, lesson plans, etc.
  • Read each story carefully before you start working.
  • Commit Frequently, about every 15 - 30 minutes
  • Push your code to your fork once the time is up (not before!)


Once the time for the assessment is up (and not before), push your code to your fork and create a pull request to the turingschool-examples repository. Include the following:

  • Your Name
  • How far you got through the user stories
    • Please include any user stories you partially complete, for example "completed user stories 1 and 2, really close to completing 3"
  • A reflection on how you felt you did with this challenge


  • TDD all new work
  • model methods and relationships must be fully tested.

Not Required

  • No visual styling is required or expected
  • You do not need to test for or create any model validations.


Community Garden is an app that tracks Gardens, Plots, and Plants.

  • Gardens have a name and an 'organic' column
    • Ex: name: "Turing Community Garden", organic: true
  • Plots have a number, size, and a direction
    • Ex: number: 25, size: "Large", direction: "East"
  • Plants have a name, description, and days to harvest.
    • Ex: name: "Purple Beauty Sweet Bell Pepper", description: "Prefers rich, well draining soil.", days_to_harvest: 90

Some of the initial migrations and model set up has been done for you.

User Stories

User Story 1, Plots Index Page
As a visitor
When I visit the plots index page ('/plots')
I see a list of all plot numbers
And under each plot number I see names of all that plot's plants
User Story 2, Remove a Plant from a Plot
As a visitor
When I visit a plot's index page
Next to each plant's name
I see a link to remove that plant from that plot
When I click on that link
I'm returned to the plots index page
And I no longer see that plant listed under that plot
(Note: you should not destroy the plant record entirely)
User Story 3, Garden's Plants
As a visitor
When I visit an garden's show page
Then I see the garden's 'name' and 'organic' attributes,
Then I see a list of plants that are included in that garden's plots
And I see that this list is unique (no duplicate plants)
And I see that this list only includes plants that take less than 100 days to harvest


As a visitor
Then I see the list of plants is sorted by the number of plants that appear in any of that garden's plots from most to least
(Note: you should only make 1 database query to retrieve the sorted list of plants)