PDF reader using Langchain, OpneAI and Chromadb

You can upload a pdf document and ask questions.

Startup 🚀

  1. Create a virtual environment python -m venv langchain
  2. Activate it:
    • Windows:.\langchain\Scripts\activate
    • Mac: source langchain/bin/activate
  3. Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/nicknochnack/LangchainDocuments
  4. Go into the directory cd LangchainDocuments
  5. Install the required dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt . Note: For macos, currently python3.11 (from homebrew) is the only one that worked for me to install chromadb and hnswlib.
  6. Add your OpenAI APIKey in .env file and execute the command source .env
  7. Start the app streamlit run app.py

References 🔗

The main LG Agent used:Langchain VectorStore Agents

OpenAI https://chat.openai.com/


👨🏾‍💻 Author: Abdullah Khan Zehady
📜 License: This project is licensed under the MIT License

Original Idea derived from this tutorial 📺

https://youtu.be/u8vQyTzNGVY Thanks Nicholas Renotte