
Convert greyscale images to 1-bit hex text files suitable for use in simple 1-bit displays such as cheap epaper displays.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT



Convert greyscale images to 1-bit hex text files suitable for use in simple 1-bit displays such as cheap epaper displays.

White pixels will become set (1) bits and black pixels will become empty (0) bits. For true greyscale images the cutoff is at a value of 128. The input image can have any dimensions but the image is treated as a linear stream of data in the output; no dimension data is encoded. Each input file will produce an integer number of output bytes. If the number of pixels are not a multiple of 8, trailing zero bits will make up the difference in the output.

Files are printed in the format 0xff, 0xff, etc. Each input file maps to a line of the output. The output is big-endian: the first byte will become the most significant bit.

Theoretically supported image formats from stb_image:

  • JPG
  • PNG
  • TGA
  • BMP
  • PSD
  • GIF
  • HDR
  • PIC


Run make from root directory


None implmented, the resulting onebit binary is standalone and can be run directly or moved to a convenient location.


onebit <infile 1> [infile2 infile3 ... infileN]

Output is printed to standard output and in the common case will need to be redirected to the desired file.


Convert icon.png to 1 bit hex codes:

onebit icon.png > icon.c

Convert a series of files image001.gif to imageXXX.gif to 1 bit hex codes

onebit image*.gif > image.c