cf Lab 22 - Angular Controllers

To Submit this Assignment

  • create a new branch and work off of the same fork that you made yesterday
  • push to your repository
  • submit a pull request to this repository
  • submit a link to your PR in canvas
  • write a question and observation on canvas


  • .eslintrc
  • .babelrc
  • .gitignore
  • package.json
    • create an npm watch script for running webpack-dev-server --inline --hot
    • This will require that you install webpack-dev-server
  • ignore the build directory
  • webpack.config.js


  • refactor the previous lab to use the controller as syntax
  • add a .babelrc file and use the babel loader on your JS files
  • add a form and submit button that will be used to save the current state of the cow's text
    • use the ng-submit directive to control the form's on-submit functionality
    • add a button that uses the ng-click directive to populate a second pre tag with the current pre tag state
  • add a button that uses the ng-click directive to create an undo effect
    • whenever this button is clicked, it should reset the second pre tag with the content it last showed
  • add a select menu that uses the ng-repeat directive
    • this should be used to populate the select menu with the names of all cowsay files
      • hint: cowsay.list((err, list) => {})
  • when a cowsay filename is selected from the menu, have the first pre tag use the selected cowfile
  • use the ng-show directive to show the second pre tag only if the history state is not empty
  • create your own styleguide for the application, using SCSS.
    • make good use of css variables for all of your base (repeatable) styles
    • include at least one mix-in