cf Lab 31 - Image Uploads

To Submit this Assignment

  • work on a new branch from your previous fork
  • push to your repository
  • submit a pull request to this repository
  • submit a link to your PR in canvas
  • write a question and observation on canvas


  • .eslintrc
  • .babelrc
  • .gitignore
  • package.json
    • hint: do not forget to add the ng-file-upload module
    • create an npm build script for running webpack
    • create an npm build-watch script for running webpack-dev-server --inline --hot
    • create an npm test script for running karma and all associated tests
    • create an npm test-watch script for running karma on file system changes
    • create an npm lint script for linting your JS with eslint
  • ignore the build directory
  • webpack.config.js
    • this should include all of the production environment configurations used in lecture code
  • karma.config.js


  • Clone, setup, and run the slugram-backend application in order for your angular app to communicate with the server
  • slugram-backend
    • note - this application should be running on the staging branch
    • note - DO NOT include this application with your assignment submission


  • Today you will add the ability to upload images in your app
  • Create a component for uploading an image to the slugram-backend API for a specific gallery
  • On a successful upload, the pic should be added to the galleries array of pics
  • Create a component for displaying a thumbnail for a particular pic
    • this should include a button that will trigger a DELETE request to the slugram-backend API and delete the photo from the gallery
  • Create a component for displaying the thumbnails for photos in a gallery


  • Add the ability to select a gallery and have it's pictures displayed using the thumbnail component

POST /api/gallery

  • Use this route to create a gallery
  • headers required
    • Authorization : Bearer <token>
    • Accept : application/json
    • Content-Type : application/json
  • body requirements
    • name: String
    • desc: String
  • this should return a 200 response and an object with the data for the gallery that was just created

GET /api/gallery

  • use this route to get an array of all of a users galleries
  • headers required
    • Authorization : Bearer <token>
    • Accept : application/json
  • this should return a 200 response and an array of the last 50 galleries created by the user

PUT /api/gallery/<galleryID>

  • use this route to update a gallery with new information
  • headers required
    • Authorization : Bearer <token>
    • Accept : application/json
    • Content-Type : application/json
  • this should return a 200 response and an object with the data for the gallery that was just updated

DELETE /api/gallery/<galleryID>

  • use this route to delete a gallery
  • headers required
    • Authorization : Bearer <token>
  • this should return a 204 response with no content

POST /api/gallery/<galleryID>/pic

  • use this route to create a pic associated with a gallery
  • headers required
    • Authorization : Bearer <token>
    • Accept : application/json
  • body requirements
    • name: String
    • desc: String
  • file: multipart file data
  • this should return a 200 response and an object with the data for the pic that was just created

DELETE /api/gallery/<galleryID>/pic/<picID>

  • use this route to delete a pic
  • headers required
    • Authorization : Bearer <token>
  • this should return a 204 response and no content