cf lab-07-cowsay-http-server

To Submit this Assignment

  • fork this repository
  • write all of your code in a directory named lab- + <your name> e.g. lab-duncan
  • push to your repository
  • submit a pull request to this repository
  • submit a link to your PR in canvas
  • write a question and observation on canvas

Build Tool Instructions

  • add a package.json
  • add a eslintrc
  • add a gitignore
  • add a readme with project description
  • include any npm scripts for starting server, linting, testing, etc
  • test your code
    • ensure that all of your methods have test coverage
    • write tests which start your server, send and receive, and confirm functionality


  • Create a HTTP Server using the http module
  • create a parse body module that is used for all POST request

Server Endpoints


for all request to / the server should respond with the following:

  • a header containing Content-Type: text/plain
  • a status code of 200
  • a response with the string "hello world"



  • the query string should have the key value text=<message>
  • the response header should include Content-Type: text/plain
  • if the query text=message is set, respond with:
  • a status code of 200
  • a body including the value returned from cowsay.say({text: <querystring text>})
  • if the query text=message is not set, respond with:
  • status code = 400
  • a body including the value returned from cowsay.say({text: 'bad request\ntry: localhost:3000/cowsay?text=howdy'})


  • the response header should include Content-Type: text/plain
  • if the json {text: message} is set in the body, respond with:
  • a status code of 200
  • a body including the value returned from cowsay.say({text: <querystring text>})
  • if the json{text: message}is not set in the body, respond with:
  • status code = 400
  • a body including the value returned from cowsay.say({text: 'bad request\ntry: localhost:3000/cowsay?text=howdy'})


  • 2pts - add the ability to change the cow-file, aka: dragon, sheep, etc using a query string